
Monday, August 19, 2019

More Vacation and a Challenge Card

Happy Monday everyone!! I hope you all had a great weekend.

Today I am popping in with a card that was inspired by two challenges. I will admit-it is bright!!

This was inspired by this weeks CASE this Sketch #335 and TGIF Challenge-All On Black.


I chose to use Versamark Ink and heat embossed colored embossing powder for my card with CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Just Breathe" stamp set.

This stamp set is being RETIRED and it is one of my favorites!!

I have a difficult time heat embossing on black because I always have residue from the anti static tool. It is hard to get off black cardstock!!

CAS-ual Fridays Stamps is having a 25% off retirement sale on a TON of stamps and dies HERE.

You can use my code NORASENTME to get an additional 15% off your total!!!

On another note, I just came back from another short vacation on Friday. I went to visit my Aunts and Uncles in upstate NY. They are in there 70's and I don't get up their often enough. I also got to see my Great Aunt who is 96!! I feel bad because she cannot walk anymore and does not have enough strength to wheel herself around.

I cannot believe I am even posting this because this is so awful of me, (my daughter says I am terrible at Selfies!!) but figured who cares. She had no idea what a selfie was either!!

One of my Aunt's and I went to an Antique/Craft shop and then to Clayton, NY for lunch.

There was a "Super Yacht" in port. It was HUGE!!!!

See what I mean about not being able to take selfies?

I came home Friday and then Saturday we drove to Boston to drop Charlotte off at her cousin's. Chris and I bought tickets to go see the Downton Abbey exhibit in Boston.


I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed. They did have a ton of the clothes worn in the show and the dresses were GORGEOUS!!

They had a replica of the dining room, with place cards and dishes. It was beautiful.

They also had a replica of the Downton kitchen. However, my favorite were all Edith's dresses that were on display!! Some were originals made for the show using vintage fabric and trims, others were actual vintage dresses.

This blue dress was my favorite.

This dress was my second favorite.

Look at the detail on this!! They had a bunch of Mary's clothes too but I only photographed a few.

I LOVED the jewelry and the hats too!! I wish hats were in style because I can rock a hat!

Well that is all from me today. I know there has a lot of photos and I apologize!!

I thank you for stopping by. Have a GREAT night!!


  1. Bold, vibrant and fabulous! It's so wonderful that you made time to visit your older relatives. I'm sure they cherish your visits. And oh my goodness, love the Downton Abbey pics!!

  2. Love your heat-embossing on the black cardstock! Love your color combo! It really makes this card pop! Thanks for playing along with this week's TGIF Challenge! :)

  3. Don't apologize! I loved seeing all the photos, Nora! I still miss that show so much! I, too, wish hats were popular; I love them. And is that your handsome hubby? I'm glad you got to have a weekend together and that you got to see your Aunts! Your Great Aunt is adorable, such a good sport with the confusing selfie photo ~ and you're too hard on yourself! You're cute as can be! Also, before I forget, I love your neon and black encouragement card!! Hugs, Darnell


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