
Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Card for AAA Card Challenge and a Few Photos

Hey Peeps!! This is my second post for today. I have had a great weekend and am awful chatty today so I apologize ahead of time. I should probably have picked up a phone to one of my friends to talk but instead I just rambled on to all of you!!

I had a bit of mojo today so I decided to run with it. I used the sketch from this weeks AAA Card Challenge #148 as my jumping off point and the photo from the Paper Craft Crew Challenge #349 for my card.

Here is the sketch from the AAA Card Challenge that I used and the Butterflies and Blooms Challenge #349 from the Paper Craft Crew.

Since I had my design inspiration set, I picked what type of occasion to make by thinking about what I needed at the moment. I had two thank you cards that needed to be made so this was the theme of the card.

I am going to admit something here. I usually send out store bought thank you's I buy at TJ Maxx. Yup, I am lazy like that!! I always need one and they are not my favorite cards to make so buying them is just easier.

Anyways....I used the My Favorite Things "Beautiful Butterflies" stamp set with "Golden Sunset" and "Pocketful of Sunshine" ink cubes from Altenew for my butterflies.

I then masked off a border with Post It tape and blended the lightest color orange ink above and below the butterflies.

I added a skinny piece of orange pattern paper above and below the blending, as well as a popped up sentiment strip to complete the card. Oh, and the sentiment strip? A mistake as well. I had originally stamped it right on the card but even with a MISTI, it was crooked!! I had to cover up this mistake with that darn strip.

In other news, I was busy cleaning this weekend. My dog was mad at me for leaving him yesterday when I went to the gym and peed on the floor. I took the opportunity to wash my kitchen and downstairs bathroom floor on my hands and knees. It was a feat!!

My kitchen is long and has a lot of tile. I scrubbed it with a scrub brush, mopped it, THEN rinsed it and dried it with an old towel. It took me about two and one half hours when all was said and done.

Before you think I am crazy, I don't do this often. When I was younger and at home, I would wash the floor like this once a month. Now it gets done when I am in the mood. I do wash it (or more like Chris does!) but with a Swiffer Wet Jet after we have vacuumed the dirt up sometimes twice a week. It does not get as clean as when you do this, though.

In other news, Charlotte FINALLY decorated her walls on her side of the dorm room. It was looking like a prison when she FaceTimed me, so I am glad that she put in a bit of effort!!

Notice the Micky Mouse Ears to the left on the command hooks. Thought she was going to use those in her bathroom but she put them to an alternate use!!

Last night I couldn't sleep so stayed up binging on Netflix and die cutting until 3:00 a.m.

Am I the only crazy person that does this? I sometimes die cut different dies in white all at once so when I am making a card, I just pull them out, color them up (or leave them white) and voila, instant gratification. Some I put on Press'n Seal wrap to keep pieces together.

I wish I could say I slept late today but woke up coughing from allergies at 6:00 in the morning. I did go back to sleep for a bit but was up by 8:30 because went for a walk with a friend at 9. Glad this happened on a weekend and not a workday!!

Anyway, that is enough from me today. I thank you for taking the time to stop by and read this long post or just skim, as the case may be. Have a FABULOUS night!!


  1. A beautiful butterfly card Nora! Thanks for sharing a bit of your day... and night! Hugs and best wishes for a fabulous week!

  2. Well now you've got such a beautiful thank you card design all sorted there will be no excuse for buying them in future! Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too.

  3. Beautiful card Nora, thanks for sharing with us at AAA Cards. good job on the cleaning of your floors too!

  4. Beautiful and so clean and simple. Love it! Thank you for joining the Paper Craft Crew!


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