
Sunday, February 9, 2020

It is All About Valentine's Day.

Happy Sunday!! I hope you are all doing well.

It has been quiet here on the blog as of late. My mojo has run away again!! I sit down and try to create but then just can't. I have done all my usual things to inspire myself (which includes shopping-which I am trying NOT to do.)

I sat down yesterday and today and created some cards in an attempt to get it back. All are Valentine's that will be going out this week for some family members.

I am TERRIBLE at sending cards so I made a bit of an effort to do so this year. I bought a ton of stuff for a package for Charlotte too that I am getting ready to send that out tomorrow. Yeah, I know that Valentine's Day is more a commercial holiday but my birthday is on the 15th so I always try to make it special for those around me. Makes ME feel good!!! I always feel more comfortable giving than receiving.

My first card was base on this weeks Freshly Mades Sketches #421.

Here is the sketch that inspired this card.

I stenciled the background using an Echo Park stencil and some pink and red dye ink. The letter is from Waffle Flower Crafts "Mailbox Die" and was die cut from a red cardstock scrap.

The penguin is Simon Says Stamp's "Picture Book Hugging Penguin" and the sentiment is from their "Love and Valentine's Word Mix 2."

Who says penguins are just for Christmas cards? I love how this turned out!!

My second card was inspired by this weeks CASE this Sketch #348.

I kind of flipped the sketch twice to get my design. The original was this:

I flipped it to this:

The little envelopes and the mouse are both from Waffle Flower Crafts. Again, I used the "Mail Box Die" for the envelopes and the mouse is from the "Sending Love" stamp and die set.

I have never bought anything from them before but I had to have this set. I loved that mouse!!! The sentiment is from the Hero Arts February kit.

I used pattern paper from Reverse Confetti "Sweet as Sugar" Collection on the front as well. I am loving that I am using more pattern paper on my cards!!! I am trying so hard NOT to buy any more but I always get sucked in by the pretty patterns.

My last is for Time Out Challenges #154 "Affectionate Challenge" and this weeks Paper Player's Challenge #477 "Red, Pink, Black and White" Challenge.

Again, I used the Penguin from Simon Says Stamp, along with the "Rainbow Heart" die.

The rose is from the Hero Arts and the sentiment is from the Ink Blot Shop.

I wanted to keep the "rainbow" in pink and red colors for Valentine's Day so I used a TON of scraps...and have plenty left over to use on on other cards.

This one is not my favorite of the three but it will be sent out tomorrow with the others!!!

Well, that is all from me tonight. I thank you for taking the time to stop by.

Have a FABULOUS night!!


  1. What a super cute group of card designs Nora.

    Hugs Diane

  2. I see NO lack of mojo here Nora, these are all just adorable!

  3. What an adorable googly eyed penguin, Nora! You are right...penguins aren't just for Christmas! All three cards are cute for sure. I am so glad you shared with the Paper Players this week!

  4. These are all adorable! What a great assortment of Valentine love! Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  5. Oh my this blog post is just packed with very special Valentine's cards! I love your clever use of dies, very fun idea to make the penguin to hold that small envelope and the rose in the second card... And I really love the card with the cute mouse -your coloring looks super and the stripey background looks very fresh and pretty! Thank you for joining us at Time Out!

  6. sure looks like you got your mojo back-super selection of card and all great designs and a lot if fun. Love the different colours and the cute image for your Time Out card-thanks for joining us x

  7. These Valetines are adorable, Nora! I'd say you are now on a creative roll! The mouse caught my eye over as Cas(e) this - she is beautifully colored and the row of envelopes are perfect! Great designs all, and sure to please the one who receives them.

  8. Adorable Valentines!! I really like the one with the mouse and envelopes. Just such a clever idea.

  9. These are just so sweet! I love the penguin and his little letter. And glad you worked in some stamping. These are sure to be loved! So glad to see you this week at FMS!

  10. Such a sweet array of wonderful Valentines. I LOVE that little penguin holding the rose, and also the envelope. Great cards from a great combination of inspiration. Thanks for playing with us at Time Out.

  11. Wow awesome them all!

  12. What a cute collection, Nora ... each one so sweet! The penguin inside the heart ... with the heart shaped beak ... is especially adorable! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Time Out! Happy Birthday for Saturday! Hugs, Anita :)

  13. Nora, I'm so glad your creativity definitely surfaced for all three cards! The little mouse you shared with us at The Paper Players is absolutely darling and your design so very clever! I love striped patterned paper and the row of envelopes. I'm singled you played with us at The Paper Players this week!

  14. Well for someone who's mojo has left town these are pretty good Nora - what's not to love about penguins with googly eyes and your sweet mouse with her Valentine's mail is adorable. Happy birthday wishes for tomorrow and thanks for sharing your cards with us over at The Paper Players this week!


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