
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Hello! And a Few Challenge Cards

Hi everyone!! I hope you are all hanging in there.

I am on my fourth week of social distancing and working from home. We have done a pretty good job of not being at each other's throats. I am thinking this is because my husband, daughter and I hide in our corners during the day working and only really "socialize" at night.

I am going to admit, though, that this social distancing is starting to wear me down. I need to grocery shop and have been putting it off because I didn't have a mask. I spent about four hours yesterday making three-one for each of us. They are not fabulous BUT they will work. Lucky I had fabric hanging around as I got rid of a ton of it a couple years ago because I was not doing anything with it.

Given that I am going buggy, I have had mojo and have been using supplies that I have!!

My first card I created for my Aunt for her birthday, which was yesterday. Since I never sent it out, it is now late. I have a gift so I am going to the PO today when I go grocery shopping.

I LOVE how this came out!! I used the Canterbury Bells stamp set to stamp all of the flowers. The "make a wish" is from a Mama Elephant Mini Messages Stamp set.

I used green and yellow stamp sets of four to stamp the flower colors on the Canterbury flower and Copic markers to color in the small ones.

The background is a die from Lil' Inkers Design and the frame is Reverse Confetti's Stitched Note and Frames die.

I am entering this card into the following Challenges:
NBUS Challenge #13 (the flower set was never inked up!!)


For my second card, I again used the Altnew Canterbury Flowers but in purple to create my card.

I created a panel for the background with a NBUS stencil and green ink.

The sentiment was taken from the same set as the flower and heat embossed on black cardstock.

I covered the flowers with Nuvo Aqua Shimmer pen and added some sequins that matched the flower color.

The white embossed panel is also from the Reverse Confetti Stitched Note and Frame die.

I am entering this card in Watercooler Wednesday Challenge WWC266. Heidi picked it this week and it is All About Occasions. I am sending this as a birthday card. I also made it for the Time Out Challenge #159. It was to use the quote on the badge for your card. My inspiration was the garden.


I am also entering it into this weeks Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, which was to use the mood board below as inspiration. I was inspired by the purple flowers.

That is all from me today. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by my blog today. I hope you all have a FABULOUS day and I will be back tomorrow with some more spring cards I created!!!


  1. Such pretty cards Nora, love the floral image and you've coloured them beautifully. The yellow one especially is so cheery! Thankyou for playing along at Seize the Birthday, and thankyou too for your lovely comments on my card, take care while you're out and about, Cathy x

  2. Your cards are both so beautiful. I am jealous that you can be so creative while on lock down. My mojo comes and goes. Thanks so much for playing along at Time Out.

  3. Beautiful spring cards Nora! I had to laugh at you saying you only socialize at night LOL!! Hey, if it's working don't mess with a good thing!!

  4. Well your mojo is doing super well and these cards are a joy! I am adore the embossed background and such a wonderful card for Time Out with the gorgeous leaves behind and that stunning flower. Thanks for joining Time Out x

  5. Just love your beautiful bell flowers, Nora - both versions are soooo pretty!! Especially love card one with the crisp white on white behind the flowers but can't resist the purple flowers on card two!!

  6. Two lovely cards Nora. I really like the one with the yellow flowers and all the detail in the background. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Seize the Birthday.
    Stay safe and happy shopping.

  7. These are so pretty. Love both the die-cut and stencilled backgrounds.

  8. So happy to see these pretty spring cards and to know that you're finding fun with your crafting. The yellow flowers are my fave, all that stitching detail is fabulous!

  9. What beautiful cards, Nora! The floral arrangement are just delightful, and you've made such interesting backgrounds for both!

  10. These flower cards are so beautiful - the colours are gorgeous and you've made two different but equally lovely designs.

  11. What lovely cards, Nora and that stamp is just beautiful! The texture in the die-cut backgrounds and such depth to the compositions. I'm sure your Aunt will love it when she gets it. It's good to celebrate over a period of time rather than just on the day!
    Hang in there. Hope you are keeping well and I wish you a very Happy Easter!
    Carol x

  12. It doesn't look like you've lost your mojo Nora - these are just gorgeous. I love the different backgrounds you've created for them, especially the soft green stencilling in the second one

  13. So lovely, Nora ... both of them! The golden yellow is fabulous against all that texture ... and the purples pop beautifully against the leafy garden! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Time Out! Hugs, Anita :)

  14. Both in yellow and in purple are beautiful! Love the delicate flowers; so springtime! Thank you for joining us at TIME OUT!

  15. Congrats for getting Honours at Time Out x


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