
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Hello Hello Hello!!

Hi everyone!! How is everyone holding up?

I keep thinking today is MONDAY but it is Tuesday and I am still mostly staying home. Things are opening up here BUT I am not one to hurry back out to "normal." Headed out today after work to Home Depot to buy a trellis and do some other errands with Charlotte and with the exception of Home Depot, it was actually nice because stores were EMPTY. However, I was still a bit stressed and will not be going out again anytime soon.

Soooo, I have been creating like crazy but not posting. Do people even read blogs anymore? I need to post on IG on a more regular basis but I hate typing things with my phone. My fingers are too big. I just wish I could upload to IG via my computer.

Any how, I have been taking the Spring Online Card Camp 2 and have had SO MUCH FUN. I have not made everything I created into cards as of yet, but the techniques I have learned and the ones I have used before have been so freeing.

My first two cards are from Day 12 and it is to use basic shapes in geometric patterns. I used circles on both of my cards.

All the paper besides the card base was from my scrap drawer. Simple design but I really like how it came out. However, the card below is my favorite one I created using this technique.

I used a printed background sheet behind my circles!! I think it looks so funky!!!!!  I also added a pattern paper circle for the middle of these circles and I liked that look too.

Below is a card for Day 3 of camp. I am so made because I should have used a colored cardstock because the embossing on the dry embossing on the white cardstock is hard to see.

I added some flowers from WPlus9 and the sentiment and tag are from Mama Elephant. All of these products I have had in my stash but have not used.

Another card I created this weekend was for last weeks Freshly Mades Sketches but never uploaded. I have been doing a lot of that lately.

Now I liked how this turned out EXCEPT for those stupid black tiger stripes in the back. I was trying to make a night sky and I used too dark of a gray and couldn't blend it out.

I also made the mistake of coloring in the girls first, which I would NOT do again. I would have done the sky. Since it took me so long to color, I decided terrible sky or not, I was making into a card!! This stamp was a NBUS so I am going to upload this into the NBUS Challenge.

Below is the sketch that inspired this. I flipped it so that the sentiment was in the upper left, rather than the bottom right.

Well, that is all from me today. Thanks for taking the time to stop by!!


  1. You've been busy! I like the movement on the first two cards and those itty bitty blooms on your celebrate card are cute. Those ladies look like they may have had a few sips too many!!

  2. I love the geometric cards so much ... what a clever way to use those shapes.

  3. You’ve been busy. A wonderful collection of cards. And it looks like you’ve got your money’s worth with the spring online class. Love the geometric shape cards.

  4. Wow Nora, what fabulous creative designs.

    Hugs Diane

  5. Yes, some of us still read blogs! Please don't abandon those of us who don't do IG, Nora! You did a terrific job with your class homework and I'm glad you took photos and blogged them! Great inspiration! Those fun girls and your bright colors drew my attention on your last card so I didn't even notice the black lines until you said something. They look totally intentional and a fitting part of the design! I hope you are keeping well and I'm with you on not being ready to go out yet. Thank you for sharing with everyone at NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  6. I am with you big time!!! IMO, it's much too soon for a lot of things to open up/rules to be relaxed, and will be staying firmly put in strict self-isolation for a while longer at least.

    On a more upbeat note, what a fantastic selection of cards. I especially adore the design and colours of the "Celebrate" card. The autumnal feel of the palette has this fall adoring gal swooning up a storm! :)

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  7. Those graphic cards are fabulous! Especially the one with the newsprint background - love the contrast! That celebrate card is CAS perfection and your last card reminds me about the past - now we would stand 6 feet apart....

  8. Your post made me laugh as you sound like how I'm thinking at the moment. I'm bored of my blog and wondering if I should just switch to IG completely. I get bored writing the posts! You're also very critical about your own cards like I am with mine! I had't noticed the stripes in the sky and thought it was all part of the effect. I think it looks amazing and I love that stamp. Your circle cards are ingenious..what a cleaver way to use those dies!

  9. All are so fun! I love the circles - such fun patterns and particularly great with the "smile, laugh and be happy"! I also love those flowers and the great color combo!


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