
Monday, June 15, 2020

Make a Wish

Hello everyone!! Just popping in with a card I created for some challenges. I actually created most of it last night but die cut the panel today and added it to a card front.

My inspiration for this card was this weeks CASE this Sketch #376 and the Inspired by Challenge photo. I was inspired by the colors in the photo. The orange blanket, the little tufts of color-it just made me happy!!

I used an old stamp from Papertrey Ink, Cupcake Collections, for my image and sentiment. 

I originally was trying to make this a one layer card to enter into AAA Card Challenge BUT when I took the tape off the stencil I used, it ripped the side a tiny bit and I had to alter my design. Hate when that happens!!

I did go overboard on the Stickles frosting but that is fine. I like the sparkle.

 Well that will be it from me today. I thank you for taking the time to stop by! Have a 


  1. Those colors have inspired one yummy looking cupcake! This is cute Nora, thanks for joining us at IB this week! You asked about a die I used on one of my cards... it's a Pretty Pink Posh border die.

  2. Too pretty to eat ! This is a beauty Nora!

  3. Yummy cupcake and great ink blending!

  4. Fabulous card, dear Nora. I love the deep, saturated hues at work here. They instantly make me think of the dog days of summer, which, incidentally, is when my own b-day falls.

    The generous amount of white space is great, too. It helps the vibrant cupcake to pop all the more (and also makes me think a bit about white frosting and vanilla ice cream as well, which ties all the more in the birthday dessert theme).

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  5. This is so festive and fabulous! Love the different colors of stickle sprinkles!

  6. Your cupcake is so yummy with those warm colors from the challenge, love your CAS style too, beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us @ IB this week!


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