
Monday, July 20, 2020

A Couple of Cards and My Anniversary!!

Hello everyone!! I hope that you are all doing well.

It is my 24th wedding anniversary. Chris bought me some pretty flowers but we did not do anything special today.

I have no desire to go out anywhere to eat. We did go out for ice cream. Chris hates going anywhere because of the masks!! I still had to commemorate it somehow so I made him take this selfie.

Today I am sharing some cards I created this weekend. The first I created for this weeks Cupcake Inspiration Challenge # 498.

The challenge was a color challenge to use yellow, white and blue. My blue is NOT the same shade as the photo and I hope this is okay.

I used Reverse Confetti's "Butterfly Wreath" stamp and die for my card. I stamped the wreath on a pale blue cardstock and colored the butterflies in with different colored aqua blue pencils.

I mounted the wreath over an A2, top folding white card base that I had splattered yellow and blue mists all over.

This was a fun card to make and I had fun getting messy. I am NOT great at colored pencil coloring, though. I cannot seem to shade no matter how hard I try.

I am going to enter this into The Daily Marker's 30 Day Coloring Challenge. I have not been great about participating in this challenge this time around but I am glad I did get to color a bit!!

My second card that I am posting was inspired by THIS card from Karolyn Loncon's Paper Therapy Blog that I saw on Pinterest.

I used pattern paper scraps to create my flowers. I could probably make 100's of these cards with the amount of scraps I have!!

I chose to CASE her card because my mojo is lost right now. I hate when that happens!!!

This was a lot of fun to create and I will be making a couple more like this at a later date.

Well, that is all from me today. I thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a fabulous night!!!


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Ice cream sounds like a perfect outing to celebrate your special day! Two fabulous cards Nora. Your sparkly wreath is terrific and I love the whimsy of your second card, it's so CUTE!

  2. 2 fabulous and lovely cards. I really like those butterflies--such pretty variations of blue. Your splatters are brave! I am always in admiration of anyone brave enough to splatter. Your CASed flower card is so sweet. I always love to CASE something when I need to kick start my mojo. Maybe I'll make some of these flowers with a few of my many scraps.

  3. Just love both cards (spotted the wreath at the 30 Day Coloring Challenge)! Your wreath looks amazing atop the splattered card and I love your layered circle flowers!! I too could make a million of those...

  4. happy anniversary ... love the splatter on the first card and those awesome lollipop blooms.

  5. First thing- Happy 24th!! That is awesome! Hubby and I had the same kind of anniversary this year, right down to the ice cream! Second- no worries about your blue- I am often bucking the challenge in some way. It shows how creative you are!! Love your alternate blue, yellow and white card! Thanks for joining us at Cupcake Inspirations!

  6. What a beautiful way to use the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge colors! So glad you shared this gem with us!

  7. Congratulations!! I hit 31 years this year so I know what it takes!!


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