
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Some CAS-ual Fridays Coffee Tags

 Happy Saturday!! I only have today and tomorrow left from my April vacation and I am sad. I tried to get everything done that I wanted to do but the best laid plans sometimes just don'w work out!!! Another eight weeks and then I am OUT FOR THE SUMMER. I will be counting the days. This school year has been tough for everyone. 

Today I am on the CAS-ual Fridays Blog with a couple of tags that I created for some gift bags I sent out to my niece and nephew. They were supposed to be for Easter BUT as usual, I didn't get them out in time. The main gift was a Starbucks card so I decided to make the tags coffee themed. Below is a sneak peek from just one of them:

Please hop on over to MY POST to see photos and instructions for both of the tags I created!!!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I hope you have a FABULOUS day!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm deeply sorry that this school year (and the last) has/have been tremendously rough. Teachers are frontline workers in their own right, IMO, and deserve so much more praise and support (not to mention compensation) than they are receiving.

    Your tags are terrific! Love the patterned paper lettering. I really need to give the solids a day off and die cut more patterned paper letters myself. Thank you for the lovely reminder to do just that.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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