
Monday, September 27, 2021

Just a Reminder-You Still Have Time to Play with Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #528!!!

 Hello Peeps!! 

I hope that you are all doing well. I am writing this ahead of schedule because I have a lot going on right now AND I actually am somewhat ahead of my deadline. That rarely happens!!

Today I am sharing another card for Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #528, a theme challenge, which is camping. PIXEL PAPER PRINTS is our sponsor for this challenge and once again I used images that were generously gifted to us.

I used several stamps from the Camper Boys digital stamp set on my card. I resized each to create a little scene that I colored in with Copic markers. 

Below is the inspiration badge for this weeks Cupcake Inspiration Challenge. I chose to use the fire and the tent as the inspiration for this card.

Forgive me for the rest of this post as I broke down how I colored this in with photos.

Step 1

I started off my card by coloring in the pine trees with G24, G28 and G29. I left a little white space in between to give the trees a fluffy effect. 

Step 2

Nest I used shades of blue to color in my tent. Since I am NOT a camper, I had no idea what color tents were. I used the good old web to look up tent colors and this dark blue was the one I chose to use. 

Step 3

I used E25, E27 and E29 to color in all the tree trunks and the logs on the campfire. I didn't get to detailed as there was so many other things going on in the card that it would have gotten lost.

Step 4

I decided to do the "floor" of my card is shades of brown. I hike a lot in the woods and the leaves under my feet fade to brown once they are off the tree. I started off with my darkest color, E59, and ended with the lightest color, E53. I repeated this numerous times until I had what I wanted. I also added some yellows and oranges to the campfire.

Step 5

I used some heavy blues for the night sky (shown) and some grays to complete my tent opening. This was a lot of coloring for me and it scared me immensely. I don't usually cover a whole sky like this. I added some colorless blender to create stars that were far away and a white gel pen to create some stars that were closer to the earth. 

Step 6

My last step was to add some Stickles to the camp fire and to the night sky. I wanted to give the illusion of "twinkling" stars.

The sentiment that I used was one that I researched and then used my computer to design.

For being out of my comfort zone, I think my card came out pretty good!! Now I need to find someone to send it too!!!

Has this card inspired you to join us this week? Please hop on over to the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog and link up your creation. I cannot wait to see what you create!!!!

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!!


  1. Another cute camping scene, Nora! Terrific card!

  2. Absolutely beautiful greeting with such a true, fantastic sentiment. Camping is definitely one of mine as well.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

  3. Nicely done, aren't these images fun, awesome job! Have a great day! Leanne :)


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