
Saturday, October 16, 2021

Just Us Girls #606-Color Challenge

Hi everyone!! 

It is week three of my Guest Design Gig over at Just Us Girls Challenge Blog. This week it is a color challenge.

The colors I needed to use was turquoise, yellow and green. I added a neutral black behind the flowers. I just adore how this card came out!!

When I saw the badge for this week, I knew I would be able to use my Vintage Lemon Twist paper and ephemera from Simple Stories. This challenge was PERFECT for my collection.

I started out by picking my paper. The black gingham was perfect for grounding the bright embellishments on this card.

I just layered and layered my ephemera and then used a clear glitter marker over some of the flowers and butterfly to make is sparkle. 

I added some Glossy Accents in strategic places, some pearls and my card was complete. 

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Be sure to hop on over to the Just Us Girls Blog to see what the other designers created for this fun challenge!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!


  1. LOVE this...all those beautiful colors and sweet images backed by black gingham...right up my alley!

  2. Great use of the colors! Love the background

  3. Nora... I simply adore how this card came out as well! A huge WOW! Love it and love that you joined us this month at Just Us Girls.

  4. Love this Simple Stories collection and love what you've done with it!

  5. What a special collection. Love your card! The black/white shows it off proudly too. Happy for you!

  6. Nora, You are really on fire with your cards and this one is gorgeous! The background really brings this card to life! Awesome job and now I can't wait to see what you do next week for Photo Week!

  7. So pretty with that bold black and white background paired with the pretty flowers, butterfly, bee and lemon. Love the addition of the clear glitter marker.

  8. Oh Nora this is just gorgeous with all the elements in this weeks colours and perfect background to show them off.

  9. I can see why you wanted to use those images, Nora. They are perfect in color and design and stand out beautifully on that black and white check.

  10. You were so right to use the b/w gingham paper for the backdrop for these beautiful ephemera! And how lucky that you had the perfect ones in the challenge colors! Such a pretty card!

  11. Lovely design, Nora! I just love the black and white gingham background. It makes the colors pop so beautifully!

  12. Nora, what an awesomely upbeat, beautiful card. It really captures the warmth and vitality of summer into early fall.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life


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