
Monday, November 29, 2021

Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #533-A Color Challenge

Hello my friends!! I hope that you are all well and have recovered from the Thanksgiving festivities. We hosted this year and it was so nice to be back to a semi-normal celebration. 

I have to be honest that I almost forgot to post my card for this weeks Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. Between last minute cleaning, cooking and having my daughter home from college, the weekend was all about family. 

This week I have to call in to see if I have Federal Jury Duty. I am on the fence as to how I feel about it all. I think being on a jury would be interesting but it is a lot of time out of work. If I don't get picked this time, I can be picked again within two month time frame.

On to my card!! This is my creation for the Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #533-a color challenge. 

The challenge was to use red, cream and white on a card. This was really hard as I would not usually use cream and white together!!

I pulled it together by creating my my Blooming Poinsettias from Poppy Stamps in these three colors. My cream is more vanilla but I am okay with that.

I used a scrap for the Concord and 9th "joy" sentiment. I adhered it over a piece of paper from a retired Authentique 6 by 6 paper pad. I have SO MUCH paper in my Christmas stash that I cannot buy anymore!!

I tried to die cut each piece of the poinsettia using a different shade of the cardstock. Each piece was from my scrap drawer. I love how this came out!!!

I now challenge YOU to create a card using these colors. Hop on over to the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog to enter. I cannot wait to see what you create!!!

I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!!


  1. Such a great layout with this card, I like the JOY and that music paper way to go. My favorite is the flowers, I like them very much, well-done teammate! Cheers, Leanne

  2. So happy you had a good family weekend, Nora, they're the best! Your card is lovely. I like the plaid sentiment layered over the sheet music!

  3. Splendidly lovely card! You really did this elegant and very charming Christmas season palette justice, Nora.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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