
Friday, January 28, 2022

A Farewell to CAS-ual Fridays Stamps and a New Craft

Hello Friends!! 

Today I am on the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog with my final card being a DT member of CAS-ual Fridays Stamps.  I have resigned to have more time to do some other crafts that I am interested in. I want to thank Michele for taking her chance on me and letting me be a member of her Design Team.

For my last card I created a get well card for a friend that just had surgery.

To see how I created this card, please hop on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Blog.

As for what I have been working on? I am now sewing Barbie clothes and making miniatures! Yes, it might be a bit strange to some of you but I am so excited to be doing this again. When I was in high school, I made clothes and my grandmother would sell them for me. I have been experimenting with sewing again so that eventually I might open a shop to sell someday. Below are a few things I have created in my journey for perfection.

I created this jacket using a cotton fabric and lined it with a polka dot lining.

I created the outfit under it with some fancy fabric and some trim.

I created some white pants, as well, with a black top.

I made a coat to go with it. I love this fabric and it was rough.

I will be redoing this jacket again!!

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by!!!


  1. Your finale card is beautiful, Nora! You've done a marvelous job on the DT. Holy smokes, your Barbie clothes are spectacular! Best of luck to you in this new adventure!

  2. Nora, your Barbie clothes are incredible! They look like chic, trendy pieces taken from upscale shops shrunk down to doll size.

    What a great talent and knack for this form of sewing you have.

    Thank you so much for sharing more about it here with us. I always adore learning about other passions that fellow crafters have.

    Autumn Zenith 🎃 Witchcrafted Life

  3. Your card is absolutely beautiful. Love all your sweet flowers and the colors are wonderful!
    Your doll clothes are simply over the top stylish and amazing. I remember sewing my own Barbie clothes many moons ago too. Just love your stunning designs and fabric choices.
    Wishing you all the best on finding more ways to use your creative talents!


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