
Monday, February 7, 2022

Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #537-Valentine Hearts

 Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a FABULOUS day.

It is time for a new Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. The next two weeks it is to create a card using Valentine hearts.

This week the Design Team is using digital stamps by Digi Doodle Designs

I was generously gifted Digi Daisy and Darby Dalmatian digital stamp to use on my card. Below is the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Badge #537.

I started off my card by printing out my image and coloring it in with colored pencils. I then die cut it and layered it onto an A2 card front that I had adhered a piece of red cardstock that I had die cut using the Kat Scrappiness Stitched Heart Coverplate and a die by The Greetery.

I finished it off with a retired greeting from My Favorite Things.

I hope that you will join us this week for the Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #537. I cannot wait to see what you create!!

I thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!


  1. Nicely done teammate, I like the coloring and such a great image. Have a great day! Cheers, L:)

  2. That dalmatian is the cutest! This is a delightful card, Nora!

  3. Super-duper - and super cheerful - card, dear Nora. I love the subtly mid-century vibe that this charming image and the way that you have coloured it here convey.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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