
Monday, March 7, 2022

Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #539

Happy Monday everyone!! It is time for a NEW Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!! The next two weeks is a theme challenge-PETS. Below is a simple card I created for this theme.

Below is the badge for Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #539.

We have a fabulous sponsor for the two week challenge-NEWTON's NOOK. They are giving away a $25 prize to Newton's Nook Designs Shop to a random winner.

I did not have any Newton's Nook stamps so I used some pet stamps from Mama Elephant. 

This little panel has been around in my stash for a while now and I am so happy to be using it on a card. I layered the stamped square over some scrap pattern paper. 

I hope you join us this week with a fun creation. Hop on over to Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog to play. I cannot wait to see what you create!!!


  1. I love how they are peeking out with those cheerful patterns behind them!

  2. This is CAS sweetness, Nora! What a cute card!

  3. Aww! Super-duper cute card! I love how it looks like these two darling critter friends are smiling at us out through an open window. Great design!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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