
Monday, August 29, 2022

Just a Reminder for the Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #551

Hey Friends!! Just popping in with a reminder for the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #551

Of course I have a card!! This might be a hard one to guess but it is something that I do as well as cardmaking. 

It is all about FLOWER ARRANGING!!! Have you ever done this? I have created bouquets for events and make wreaths for the seasons. Do you think you can create something this week for Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #551?

I used some stamps and dies from The Greetery. They make the most beautiful stamps. The background die is from Pinkfresh Studio.

The sentiment is from my stash. I have such a hard time embossing in white on black, no matter how hard I try. I had to fill in some of the "missing" white with a gel pen.

Does this inspire you to join us this week for the last week of Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #551? Hop on over to play!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!



  1. As a former floral designer, you're speaking my language! This is as pretty as it can be!

  2. I love this design, Nora! I love how you have arranged the foliage and berries and the watering can is beautiful.
    Carol x

  3. This is gorgeous! What an amazing stamp set. I love the colors you've chosen for it - and the background you created!


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