
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Using My Stash to Create Cards

Hey Friends!! Happy Hump Day!

Today I am popping in with a couple of cards I created. The first card I am posting is one I made for a couple of challenges.

The challenges that inspired this card are Freshly Made Sketches #569 for my card design and The Color Hue Challenge #56 for the color scheme of pink and red.

The Gerda Steiner Designs panda bear was stamped and colored in with Copic Markers. This has been in my little drawer of "extras" for a long time. 

The present is from Hero Arts (from JoAnn's-not in stock). This was in my stash too. I did create my blended and embossed background to match the colors in the present. It is a tiny bit lighter than the photo but I couldn't fix it in Photoshop.

The sentiment is new to me and made by Altenew. 

I love how this came out. I also had fun going through my "extras" to find these images.

My second card is just because. I had extras from some cards I created for Kat Scrappiness so I decided to use one to make a card. 

I added some glitter glue for my "whip cream" which is created by a doughnut die!!! 

The only thing that isn't Kat Scrappiness is the embossed background.

I love how this came out and I can add it to my Christmas card stash for next year!!

One more thing before I go. One thing I like to do to relax is to bake. Monday I had the day off from work and so I tried out a recipe to make Lemon Scones.

I had never created this recipe and was not sure how it would bake up because the dough was VERY sticky. The only thing I did wrong with this recipe is that I should have baked them for a minute or two longer. However, I thought they were quite delicious!!!

Well, that is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS night!!



  1. I love when I can come up with a great card using previously created pieces. Your panda in the present is SO cute, and you've surely mastered the art of using your stash to great effect! Thanks for sharing with us at Color Hues!

  2. Nora, Great card, and what an adorable image! Your coloring is terrific and that background that you blended looks perfect as well. Happy to have this darling card in our gallery at Color Hues. I enjoyed your gingerbread/coffee card as well. Take care!

  3. Before I get to the cards let me first say that your scone looks delicious! Lemon blueberry baked goods are always my favorite.

    Your cards are very sweet. I adore that peeking panda for our challenge and love that you knocked out a two-fer with it. The subtle fur strokes on his face really add a lot. Thanks so much for playing with us at the Color Hues challenge blog!

  4. Your lemons scone looks amazing! The combination of lemon and blueberry has always been a favorite of mine.

    I think your cards are darling!! Of course I'm partial to the one you made for our challenge and love that you were able to get a second challenge completed with it. The brush strokes on the panda's face really add a lot. Thanks so much for playing with us at the Color Hues challenge blog!

  5. Love your background panel for your cute panda in a box, looks fab. A great use of the sketch together with the Color Hues combo, TFS. :)

  6. How sweet is the panda peeking out of the box!? Adorable design. Thanks for playing along with us at FMS this week, Nora!

  7. Nora, your panda surprise birthday card is a total delight! Doubly better with it being composed of leftover snippets that you were able to put together for the CH challenge! Love your cute gingerbread man card too! Thanks so much for joining us at Color Hues!

  8. I love that sweet little panda popping out of his box. It's perfect with the sketch and with the colors! Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  9. Wow! This is such an adorable card, Nora! The coloring is amazing. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches this week.

  10. Let's start with your yummy scone, looks delicious! All your cards are lovely Nora! The panda is just the cutest! Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Color Hues!


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