
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Day Late and a Dollar Short...

 (Some links in this post are Affiliate Links used at no extra cost to you.)

Hello friends!!!

I am not sure about you but I often use challenges to create cards when I am in a rut or when I just want to stretch my creativity. That said, I am great at doing the challenges but then never post them!!!

Today I am posting two cards that I created using various challenges as inspirations.

My first card I used last weeks Freshly Made Sketches #573 and Sunday Stamps color badge as my main inspiration for my card. Of course I missed the posting date for the sketch but I had fun creating anyway!

I am in the Small Die of the Month Club over at Spellbinders and I had to use the Floral Mini Tiles, the February die, for the "strips" on the sketch.

I paired these dies with the Spellbinders Leafy 3D Embossing Folder and a sentiment from Outlined Sentiments, the August 2022 small die of the month. 

I LOVE how this card came out so much that I created another card with some leftovers!!

I am entering my second card into this week's Little Red Wagon #693-use your die cuts and Simon Says Stamp! Wednesday Challenge-Anything Goes. 

Once again I started off with the Floral Mini Tiles from Spellbinders and the Leafy 3D Embossing Folder

I die cut a decorative edge using Spellbinders' Stacked Decorative Edges dies (retired May 2020 Small Die of the Month) and placed three tiles to the right, over the die cut.

The sentiment is ALSO a Spellbinders' Small Die of the Month. It is from the Layered Mix and Match Sentiment Set, the September 2021 set. I actually did not mean to use all Spellbinders dies BUT I have been trying to "use what I have" and I have a TON of dies I have not used!!!

I even made a THIRD card from my extra flowers from the Floral Mini Tiles die set but will post that another day. I have yet to photograph it!!

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS night!



  1. Yay, it's so great to see your card in the gallery Nora! The pretty die cuts and embossed background are gorgeous in the challenge colors. Love this! Thanks so much for joining us at Sunday Stamps and I hope you'll join us again soon!

  2. Fabulous card designs Nora and love the die cuts..
    Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Little Red Wagon, hope you will play again..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Bright & pretty take on our "Spring Dreaming" color challenge with those fun teardrop dies!! Fantastic use of our color combo!! So glad you joined the fun and played along with us over at Sunday Stamps!!
    -Deb Horst, DT #SSC303

  4. Wow, Nora, these are all gorgeous! I love your bright colors together - a fabulous take on our challenge! Those little pointers are SO versatile and dramatic! Thanks so much for playing at Sunday Stamps!

  5. Fun little die cuts, embellished with mini flowers and dots. So cute. I love the subtle embossed background for interest. Thanks for joining Sunday Stamps this week.

  6. Nora, this is just gorgeous! I love the beautiful die cuts your used in our color combo! The embossed background adds so much detail, too! So happy you joined us at Sunday Stamps!


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