
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Happy Birthday 10th CraftyScrappers!

 Hello friends!!

I am just popping in today with a card I created in celebration of CraftyScrappers 10th Birthday. I am on the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Design Team and this shop has generously sponsored many of our challenges. Below is the card that I made for this milestone.

I used the CraftyScrappers Limited Addition Birthday Stamp for my project. 

This stamp will be the prize for this weeks Cupcake Inspiration Challenge that starts tomorrow. 

To create my card, I printed the stamp out on kraft cardstock. I didn't print it out in solid black but I lightened it up because I wanted to do a combination of Copic coloring and colored pencils.

I love the tooth that kraft cardstock has over just coloring on smooth, white paper. Copics soak in so you have to have a light touch but they do blend together!!! I used colored pencil in a heavy handed way over some areas and just highlighted in others.

I love the little "fur" strokes that the pencil creates over Copics!!!

Well that is all from me today. To see more creations, hop on over to the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog Post. The other DT member were so clever in how they used this digital design!!

That is all from me today. Thanks for stopping by!!!


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