
Monday, May 1, 2023

Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #568-Mother's Day/Someone Special Feminine

Happy Monday everyone!! 

Today there is a NEW challenge over at Cupcake Inspirations. For the next two weeks it is all about Mother's Day/Someone Special Feminine. 

We have a sponsor this week-PJ Moore Illustrations!!! She generously donated the digital stamp "Let's Paint Elephant" that I used for this weeks card.  

Okay, you are probably going to ask, where is the Mother's Day? Where is the feminine? I do not have anyone to give a Mother's Day card too and I LOVE blue so I decided to create a card for ME!!! I also loved this little elephant as these are one of my favorite animals. 

Again, this image is from PJ Illustrations.

Below is the badge for this weeks challenge over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenges


I used Copic markers to color my elephant in. I added the blue paint puddle and some drops myself. I should have done it in the computer but the idea did not come to me until later. 

I stamped a sentiment using a Spellbinder's stamp and the die cut border is an old one from MFT.

For more inspiration from the Design Team and information on Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #568, hop on over to the blog. I hope you choose to play with us this week. I cannot wait to see what you create!!

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Happy Crafting!!


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