
Monday, January 22, 2024

A New Challenge over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog-Challenge #586

Hey Friends!!

There is a new challenge over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog today. Challenge #586 is a THEME challenge. It is to use the theme of FAIRY TALES to create a project.

This was a tough one for me. I am not a "princess" type of person and hadn't a clue on what I was going to create for this card. I decided to go with the flower aspect of Fairy Tales for my card design.

In many Fairy Tales, flowers have a presence in the story. Roses are theme in both Sleeping Beauty and in the story of Beauty and The Beast. In Sleeping Beauty, Beauty is referred to as Briar Rose. I decided to go with that. 

Below is the badge for Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #586:

For my card, I used the stamp set Paint-A-Flower: Rosa Floribunda to create my card. First I heat embossed it in white. I then used a combination of Distress Inks and Zig Watercolor Markers to color it in.

I distressed the edges of the panel and then layered it over a dry embossed, pink cardstock panel.

I used a sentiment stamp from Your Next Stamp for the sentiment.

Want to join us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #586? Hop on over to the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog for more information. I cannot wait to see what you create!!

That is all from me. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!!



  1. Beautiful card - love the colours you used and those flowers are so pretty.

    Helen x

  2. This is a lovely way to send your sympathies, Nora.

  3. Lovely card, congrats 😊💐 have a great day


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