
Monday, May 27, 2024

A New Challenge at Cupcake Inspirations-Challenge #595

Hey friends!! 

Just popping in with a NEW challenge over at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. Challenge #595 is all about COLOR. It is all about creating a project using the colors RED, YELLOW and BLUE.

No sponsor this week so I was able to use some supplies in my stash. Below is the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Badge for Challenge #595.


I used a ton of products from 49 and Market and dies from The Greetery. 

I love the safety pin die cut. It is so CUTE. I did a bit of smooshing for the lilacs.

Want to join us for this challenge? Head on over to the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge Blog for more information.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!!



  1. What a fun design, Nora! I thought you had added a real safety pin - it fooled me lol! The flower is beautiful too.
    Hope you are well,
    Carol x

  2. Beautiful design, congrats 😊💐 have a great weekend


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