
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stamp-A-Faire Challenge #3!!

For Paper Trey Ink's Challenge #3 we were supposed to create a window card and tie a piece of ribbon or twine from the window to the edge of the card.

I chose to use the hot pink color again for this card. I stamped with Stampin Up!'s Melon Mambo ink and used PTI's Flower Fusion #1 stamp set and Polka Dot Basics #2. I used Mat Stack #3 die by PTI to create the window for the flower to peek out of. I apologize for the photo but I didn't realize how blurry the image was when I took it. I like how this card came out but I think I will rethink the punched borders if I use this design again.


  1. Super job on this challenge. Love the shaped window!

  2. Great colors, Nora! So bright and cheery. Thanks for leaving such nice comments on my blog! :-)

  3. This is VERY cute, Nora! I love that Mat Stack 3 window and really like how you did your borders too.
    Thanks so much for visiting me/commenting on my posts -- I really appreciate it! Good luck winning the new PTI Stamp-a-faire set!!!

  4. This is just adorable! I love how you coordinated the ribbon with the leaves on the flower--it's great!


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