
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stamp-A-Faire Challenge #8!!

I left for a while and Nicole Heady put five more challenges up on her blog while I was gone!! I decided to complete only one more for the night. Challenge #8 was to create a card where the front cover was cut back by an inch or two. On this lip, you could put a sentiment, glitter, whatever you want.

The inspiration for this card was the positive piece I cut out of the card for challenge #3. I loved how it looked so I decided to carry on with the kraft/melon mambo/chocolate brown color scheme. The "edge" was decorated with a PTI border die cut out of melon mambo.

I think this is my favorite of all the cards I made today. I will definitely use this design again on some future cards.


  1. Love the Victorian border peeking out! Great colors!

  2. Oh I LOVE the hot pink/chocolate combo - delicious! That is so pretty.
    Rosey x

  3. Oh, lovely! That border is really cool and I love the horizontal side-opening orientation of the card. I like the bling on the butterfly, too!

  4. All of your cards for the challenges are just beautiful! I love how you used the Victorian Lace border! This card has convinced me to add it to my cart for my next PTI order!

    Thank you very much for the kind comment you left on my blog! It made my day! :)


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