
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Scrapjazz January Card Challenge

I post challenges every month over at One of the challenges I posted this month was to create a card by drawing an image free hand or tracing one and using it as a focal point. I used to do this before I started stamping and I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Here is the card I created for this challenge. I "doodled" the mums on this image free hand, as I did the "vase" (not my best work but ok.) I then colored in with Prismacolor pencils. I need to get more mineral oil to blend my images more but this will do for the challenge.

I had so much fun drawing this card that I bought a sketch book to doodle in. I haven't done anything like this in years and I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a great Friday!!



  1. Your drawing is beautiful Nora! Wow!
    Rosey x

  2. Wow I wish I could "doodle" that well. You are very talented. This is beautiful...


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