
Friday, January 25, 2013

Winter Layouts and Cards from a Sketch

I write articles for occasionally and this month I created a sketch. I cannot post the sketch but I wanted to post what I created using it as a guide.

The first page I created was of my daughter in the snow.  I pretty much used the sketch as is. I inked the heck out of my embellishments and used some of my plethora of punches for the snowflakes. I also used glitter glue to make the snowflakes shine. We haven't had snow like this in two years and I hope I don't see that type of winter ever again!!

Don't these photos look so peaceful? This is part of the complex where my father and step mother bought their condo. I flipped the sketch to the right to create this page. The brown spatters are on purpose. I used a mist spray to get the look I wanted. I am looking forward for a return to that weather!!

The next two projects I created were cards. One was a birthday card for my niece, Sydney and the second a holiday card. Syd is a little fashionista and the circle embellishment was perfect for a card!! I used a lace stamp from "Cutie Pie" from My Mind's Eye. This is one of my all time favorite sets. I cannot tell you how much I have used it. It works for layouts and any card theme you can think of.

I created a ribbon poinsettia for my second card-not a technique I would try again!! I think it came out all right but unless I was sitting down and making them like an assembly line, this flower was too labor intensive. Perhaps it was the satin ribbon but it took too long for me to make it to want to give this card away.

Thank you for looking. I hope you come over to Scrapjazz and browse the many articles they have over there. If you do, introduce yourself on the message board. We would love to have you!!


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