
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Homework for Card Class Day1-Sketch and Color Challenge

I am taking an online card class and yesterday was the first day. If you every see this class again, take it!! I have been stamping for YEARS and some of the techniques and the way they do them are even new to me. Really sparked my creativity.

The first homework assignment was to create a card using one of the techniques or using their weekly sketch or color challenge in a card. I chose to do all three, though I had to tweak the "technique" because I gave away all my vellum. Who knew it would come back in style!

I chose sketch number three but chose to flip the sketch so the card would be vertical rather then horizontal. I also thought the design would be cool as a shaker card.

I cut a rectangle out of the front of the card front using a rectangle nestabilities die and then made a shaker box. I filled it with different glitters, some die cut stars, and various color sequins. I like the effect but if I had to do it again I would not use fine glitter. It sticks to the transparency.

One of the techniques shown was the embossing of vellum. That wasn't the main technique but it was one shown. Since I didn't have vellum, I chose to emboss some transparency I had and used it as the front of the shaker box. You can see it in this view. Isn't it cool?

Here is a a close up view. The colors I had to use were orange, a yellow, an aqua blue, a white and a magenta. I could also use any other neutral colors I needed. I used all, though you cannot see the pink in these photos. I put some pink sequins in the mix!!

You can kind of see the pink at the bottom left of the box!!

I only stamped a simple design for the center of the card because I didn't want any of it to peek out the front. I am really happy with the way it came out, though it took me forever how to figure out what I wanted to do. I think I could repeat the process using a lot less time if I choose to create another one!!

I also am going to to include the card that I created for one of the pre-class challenges. My lap top was giving me problems so I wasn't able to upload it in time. I now have my husband's nice Mac and he is going to put more memory in my lap top so I won out on the deal!!

Anyway, this pre-class challenge was a color challenge. You had to use 4 out of 5 colors that they have you. Here is the card that I created for this:

I am so sad because I LOVE how this car came out and really wanted to enter this challenge! I will be repeating this design again because it was so fun to make and I can make more in a record amount of time.

Here is a close up of the details.

That is all for today!! I will hopefully have time to do the homework I have tonight for this class so I can post it tomorrow!!

Thank you for looking!!



  1. I LOVE these Nora! The shaker idea is inspired - I was tilting my head left and right trying to work out whether you had sequin-printed paper to start with! That red border is lovely too. Thanks for sharing,
    Rosey x

  2. Oh wow, your card is incredible! Love that you embossed the acetate (I got rid of all my vellum a long time ago too - who knew?! ha ha!). And I actually really like the fine glitter sticking to it - it gives it even more sparkle! The pre-class card is also lovely - love the softness and the bling!

  3. Nora,
    I love your card also. I have never tried putting sequins and such behind the front like you did. It turned out so cute. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope to see you more.

  4. Great cards! I love how you made the first one into a shaker card!
    And your second card is fabulous!

  5. What a great shaker card! My favorite filling is birdseed--no statoc... goes good with bird images.


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