
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Card Camp Homework Day 2

I am taking a card class and once again I had homework. I was to use a technique that they taught us to make a card. There were four techniques shown and I used three of them.

My first card I created using a watercolor technique. Since I don't own any gelato pastels, I had to improvise to get the look that the instructor created on her card. I used ink on an acrylic stamp, spritzed it with some shimmer Smooch Spray and dragged it down my water color paper. It did not flow as easily as when you use the gelato but I am happy with it. (I apologize for the photo. I am just learning how to use the new version of Photoshop after having used Elements for years. I cannot get the hang of fixing the color correctly in this version)

I used Jennifer McGuire's technique of inking up a word stamp in different colors for the sentiment I used on the card. Again I had to improvise because I do not own a stamp positioner. That was another thing I gave away long ago when I converted to clear stamps!!

I just wanted to give you a little different view of the card because you can see the shimmer from the clear shimmer spray. I love using clear shimmer spray instead of spritzing with water because I like the effect it gives on the card. This view also gives a better representation of the card. May be because I didn't use any auto on Photoshop to fix it!!

On my second card, I used the technique of drawing a line in the middle of strips of paper and stamping. This card looked better BEFORE I put it through my die cut machine to emboss. However, I finished the darn thing at 11 pm last night and just didn't have the energy to fix it.

Instead of using just sentiments on the card, I chose to use some pattern stamps. I used and arrow on the orange strip and hearts on the pink. The hearts would have showed up better had I not embossed the darn thing. Ugg!!

In the middle of the embossed circle, I put dots of crystal glitter glue to give the card a little bit of shine. I only applied it to the white part. It is hard to tell but I think you can see a little shine in this close up photo. 

I think this last view shows it off a little better.

Things I have learned from Day 2 of this card class:
  • *First and foremost, practice makes perfect. For the masking technique, I made mistakes like not making sure the ink didn't get on the line before or after what I was stamping. I had to start over at least three times before I got it right. 

  • *If you don't have the right supplies, it is OK to improvise. I really, really wanted gelatos. I almost bought a set yesterday but I didn't have a coupon so I decided I would purchase them another time. I was regretting that last night when I watched the video!! However, I made do with what I had and I think the card came out really nice.

  • *When I do the strip card again I won't a) emboss the whole front like I did and b) I would use slightly bigger shape stamps. The hearts are too small to see on the pink and that bums me out.

Well that is all for today!! I will see you again tomorrow!!




  1. I'm so impressed that you managed to make 2 cards for the class Nora, and that you have been able to combine so many techniques on each card. I particularly love the first card and thanks for the tip about the shimmer spray.

  2. Cute cards! Your colors turned out much more vibrant than mine did and I like that! I should have gone over mine again. Isn't it a fun technique though? Loving class!!

  3. Lovely cards and it's great to see that you've improvised, it makes me feel great when I can make something lovely with what I have on hand. C x

  4. Your cards are both wonderful. I am not in this class, but learned a lot just reading your post. Keep up the good work.

  5. Great cards! I especially love your stamped sentiment on the first one in the different colours-- so perfect!

  6. You are a wise shopper...and are so much better than I am....I tend to be such an impulse buyer and bought my very first Gelatos, the very first time I ever saw or tried them. Now, I hardly ever think to even use them, but I am going to try Shari Technique...sometime soon....!!

  7. I love the watercolor card. This is a technique I really want to try. The multi-colored stamping on the sentiment is just perfect!


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