
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Runway Inspired Challenge Entry

I took a break from the card class yesterday. I decided to scrap and create a card for the Runway Inspired Challenge instead. I have browsed this blog a lot but have never tried to make a card for it. The fabulous work of the design team intimidates me and I know that my card will never be as good as any of theirs, I think. However, when I saw the inspiration piece by Stella McCartney, I knew exactly what card I wanted to created.

The first thing that struck me about this image was the whitespace. I chose to imitate that white space in using white card stock for my base color. 

I then pulled out my red, yellow and gray ink, as well as a piece of gold paper. I liked the hearts in the skirt so I went through my stamp sets and pulled a couple out that had hearts that I liked. I knew I wasn't going to stamp a ton of them so I didn't want the images to be overpowering. 

I added gray arrows to break up the design and some sequins to mimic the bling on the skirt. I punched a strip of gold card stock with a scallop punch and adhered it to the card. I will let you in on a little secret too-I only had a tiny bit of that gold colored paper left and this determined the size of my scallop!! Thank goodness for keeping scraps that most people would throw out!!

When I put the card together, I used mounting adhesive to pop the stamped strip up from the card. I am so excited by the way it came out and think I will make a few more to give away in a set.

Before I end this post, I had to include the photos of my dog as I was attempting to take the pictures of my card. He wanted to play so he kept trying to get my attention!!


"Mom, when are you going to be done?" 

I really had no business taking photos in this room anyway but the lighting was better then what was in my craft room at the time. Should have stuck to the craft room!!

That is all for now. Thank you for taking a look!!



  1. Such a sweet card Nora. Love the stamping and the white space.

    P/s: Your doggy is such a cutie! :)

  2. This is a fabulous take on the challenge!

  3. Love your interpretation of the challenge, and the addition of the scalloped gold card - and your helper is gorgeous!

  4. Beautifully composed!! I adore the placement of the stamped image and sequins! So glad that you join the fun with us at Runway Inspired Challenge!

  5. Great take on the challenge and the design is wonderful. BTW your dog looks a bit like one of ours - very cute!

  6. Great card for the Runway Challenge! and I love your little terrier! Adorable! :)

  7. I'm so happy you decided to play along! I love your card- especially the metallic accents! (cute pup too!! hehe). Thanks so much for joining us on the Runway!


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