
Saturday, July 20, 2013

MME July Sketch Challenge

I hope everyone's weather is a bit better then ours. I am surviving the heat by staying inside because it is too hot to do anything else. When pool water is 85 degrees, air conditioning is the only solution.

Today I want to share with you a layout I created for a challenge over at My Mind's Eye's blog. It was to scrap a layout based on the the sketch below.

Isn't it a cool sketch? I don't usually ever follow a sketch exactly but for this one I did. I chose to scrap some not-so-great silly photos of Char. I am so bad at taking photos inside and these happened to be taken at night. It was at her birthday party with her friends and she was being silly. It was nice to see her let her goofy side show!!

I used mostly My Mind's Eye Products on here, with the exception of some stamps. I had a lot of fun making it and am happy with the way it came out-even with bad photos.

Thank you for stopping by!! Stay cool!



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