
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Card Class Homework Day 4

I think the homework for day 4 of the Summer Card Class II was one of the hardest that I have had to ever do in a creative class. The challenge was to make a card in 10 minutes. I have never created ANYTHING in 10 minutes. If I need a quick card and I don't have it in my stash, I buy it! I take way too long to plan out my creations-which is one of my problems-and even when I plan something out, I get a better idea and change it half way through.

The first thing I did to prepare for this assignment was to take out everything I was going to need for the challenge. I had so much out that everything was strewn across my work space. I should have taken a photo of it but the mess stressed me out so bad that I just couldn't.

To start with, I decided to use lemon tart card stock as my background piece and went from there. I had pulled out various yellow scraps of patterned paper last night, which were still on my desk, and I knew that I wanted one paper in particular on this card. I then just went for it, not second guessing anything and HURRIED!!!

I was actually feeling sick to my stomach at the end because I didn't think I was going to make it. To be truthful, I went a little over the time. Shshsh!! It actually took me 10 minutes, 10 seconds!! That was because I had to die cut the word balloon twice due to a stamping error. It always happens when I am in a rush so I should have cut out two to begin with!!

So this is what I learned from today's class:

  • If I do this challenge again, I will do it very differently. Instead of die cutting things from scratch, I would pull out my huge box of "extras" that I have die cut in the past and start from there. 
  • Before I start a project like this, I will CLEAN OFF MY DESK!! I think this was part of the problem. I had too much there-mostly from my late night last night and I need a clean work space.
  • For challenges like this, clean and simple is the way to go.

Well, that is all for today unless I get inspired again. Thank you all for stopping by. Have a great Thursday!!




  1. I'm starting to think every one of us should take a picture of our table when the timer goes off! Wouldn't that be funny? Probably look very similar...your card looks great! The sequins look fantastic on there.

  2. I think you totally rock! Great card. Reading through some of the blogs, many of us had a huge mess when we were done. It certainly took me more than 10 minutes to clean up.

  3. Love your card, Nora. I know what you mean about starting with a clean desk - mine is a disaster! It would take me longer than 10 minutes just to clean my desk, so how could I possibly make a card in 10 minutes!?!

  4. This is fabulous! My crafting space is in a constant state of disarray!

  5. Nora, I think your card is a success! I think that no matter how much we plan, at least some of us will change those plans as we start to put things on paper! And for the record, my desk is never clean. I gave up on that a long time ago! Some times the mess serves me well as a will pull out a die cut or scrap of paper and start creating with that in mind. Enjoy the class!

  6. Great job! I think that's the biggest thing for me with being successful with a 10 minute card-- no second guessing!

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog! I also LOVE this class and have had the pleasure of taking each and EVERY one that Jennifer and Kristina have offered. And it all started with Summer Card Camp I, which was hosted in the Summer of 2011. I can tell you that if you LOVE this class, you'll likely LOVE them all.

    I can also see that you're a fabulous card-maker and that you really enjoy this...met too! Love it!!

  8. Ha, I have never done a 10 minute challenge before either and was a little stressed about it, watching the timer click by, lol! Anyway, your card turned out awesome! My desk is a mess too, but that is part of the fun I think:)

  9. Great job with the challenge! Very cute design--I like how it came together.

  10. Great card. Clean desk what's that? It's all about having fun right? Thank you for your comment on my card. See you in class.

  11. Your secret is safe with me - and your card is awesome! Now if only I could work up the nerve to do it...!!! ha ha!!

  12. Nora,
    I totally agree about the clean desk and using pre cut items. I totally used a set from CTMH with paper and a sticker. It went together so quickly and no stress, (except for the mess I have had on my desk all week. I am cleaning it this weekend). Any Hoo, Great card. Thanks for sharing.


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