
Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Homework for Day 3 of the Summer Card Class II

I am exhausted today from staying up late. I was too busy yesterday to do my homework so I was up last night until midnight making this card!

My assignment last night was to create a card inspired by one of four cards that they had on the classroom site yesterday. All of the cards inspired me in some way but since I only had time to make one, I chose the designer Laura Bassen's card. Her blog, Doublestick Heaven, is a must see. You can get lost in it. Her creative use of supplies and thinking outside the box is amazing!!

Laura's original card was simple in nature. The card itself was white and it contained six banners in different colors. There was a large flower element and a sentiment over the banners. Here is the card I created:

I liked the banners on the original card but since I am not one to copy a card exactly, I chose to die cut a border using an MFT border die and fill it with colored squares. My main element is a large flower, like Laura's, and I did stamp a sentiment on a banner to kind of keep the flavor of the original card.

I am happy with how this came out since I was up so late but once again, there are things that I will change when I repeat this design. (and I cut out a ton of borders so I will be repeating this!!) The original card banners were smaller and I think that I might cut my borders a bit smaller. I also am not sure I like that I started so close to the bottom. I also might put some glossy accents over the paper squares but I would have to experiment with that first.

I am off to go look at the class for today. Thank you for taking the time to look at my card.



1 comment:

  1. Love love love this idea and think you put in a ton of time and's fabulous!

    I also loved Laura's card and video..she's a fun person and a great designer!


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