
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Card Class II, Week 2, Day 5

I am just catching up on my summer card class homework.

 Last Friday they challenged us to use additional color schemes and showed some videos on how to use those colors with different techniques. I have to say that I must have tried to make a card about 6 times but threw them all away. I think my mojo is gone.

Here is the card that I did not throw away but it was still an epic failure. Ink + Vellum + Me=Serious Smudges!!!

My vellum was also not lying flat so I attempted to use a clear adhesive. Bad idea!! You could see it, even though I used it under the stamped image!! So I attempted to cover it up by applying Stickles to the orange flowers. Even worse idea. My vellum warped even worse!!

I will try this technique again some time but not right away. I think next time I will try letting the vellum dry longer OR heat set it? I am afraid if I heat set it, though, the vellum will warp and I will be back to the same problem.

Oh well!! At least I tried!! Thank you for coming to look!!



1 comment:

  1. You get "E" for effort and the rest of us learned from your mistake...although I don't think it's that much of a mistake.


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