
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day everyone! It is Wednesday and I am hoping this day goes by fast. I am looking forward to the WEEKEND and Wednesdays always seem to drag on for me. Today was not a particular good day for me. I received a jury duty summons in the mail and found out someone I knew when I was young passed away.

Today I am sharing a fun, quick card I created using an Inkadinkado stamp set that I bought on clearance at JoAnn's for $.97. It was a steal!! I actually bought it more for the sentiments then the images but I decided for this card I would try one of the images out.

I decided to make the image on this card the focal point. I started out by stamping the lizard image in black permanent ink and then coloring it in with Copic Markers.

I could have colored the lizard green but wanted to mix it up a little and make it a bright color. I used a range of yellow/red hues with a little bit of red. 

I then highlighted the image with some purple.

To finish him off, I went over him with a Wink of Stella glitter pen and used glossy accents on his spots. I think he came out cute!!

I was originally going to make this a one layer card but par for the course, I got ink on my hands and it rubbed off on the left side of the card so I had to cut the card panel down. I used this mistake to layer the panel over a piece of Washi tape and a punched border.

I used some foam adhesive to give it some dimension. The last step was to glue a few iridescent sequins onto the card front. Now I have to figure out who I want to send this card too. I think it came out really cute for a $.97 stamp set.

That is all for today. Thank you for stopping by.



  1. This card made me chuckle - great job on it!! Thanks for the visit to my blog!! I appreciate it!!

  2. Nora, your card is so sweet and cute! It makes me laugh...(I can relate to the sentiment). Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. Your encouragement is much appreciated and I am glad that my bunny card inspired you :)

  3. Oh, I wish I had seen this earlier, Nora. If you read this comment soon enough, you could edit your post and enter this week's CASology challenge: JOKE. I think your card qualifies!!

    It is so fun and funny!! And while I love a OLC, I have to say that border and that sort of Southwestern Washi tape design really add impact to your sweet little lizzie!!

    I think anyone with a birthday would get a kick out of it and love it!! I hope you have a great day! Hugs, Darnell

  4. LOL, what a cute stamp and sentiment, Nora! I love how you featured him front and centre on a clean and simple design!


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