
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Winnie and Walter Challenge Day #1 and Day#3

Hello there!! I would like to say this week has flown by but I would be lying. Once I return to work, the weeks seem to go by slower and S-L-O-W-E-R. I also do not have as much time to create AND blog. I have to admit I did very little of either this week. I do not have time or the energy to do everything I want to in a day.

I did have time to make one card, though, for the Winnie and Walter August Release Challenge Day 3. It was to create a card using one stamp set. I have to admit that I started this card last weekend but didn't finish it until Thursday. I used Winnie and Walter's "Scenery: Big Bang Bling" stamp set to create the background for the sentiment block.

I started off by stamping the sequins in from the set in rainbow colors onto white card stock. To be honest, I started this process about 5 times using different techniques from drawing lines, to using the grids on my stamp blocks to get the sequins all lined up. Nothing worked to get it completely straight. (I should of used a stamp positioner but was too lazy!! I am more of a "by eye" kind of card maker.) This was the best of the bunch. I then die cut the sentiment out of the stamped block with a Simon Says Stamp "thanks" die cut.

Next I matted the stamped panel in black. I then die cut 6 more of the same sentiment out of white card stock and glued them together, the last layer being the stamped layer. I adhered the layered sentiment inside the panel. My last step was to use glossy accents across the "thanks."I set this panel aside to dry.

Next I die cut six banners out of scrap paper in the same color scheme and adhered them over a white card. I then used foam adhesive to adhere the stamped sentiment over the banners. The very last step was to take sequins in the colors I used on the card and layer them over the banners.

A few things I learned while making this card:

  • I need to make sure that I use enough adhesive when layer die cuts over each other to pop them up
  • glossy accents changes the color of ink and sometimes makes it bleed (especially if you are not using color fast ink!)
  • I need to use a stamp positioner to line things up when I stamp
I am entering this in the Winnie and Walter  & Simon Says Stamp Challenge #1 for the "Rainbow challenge" and Challenge #3 that uses one stamp set.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a great weekend!



  1. I love your rainbow Nora! The sentiment looks awesome too :)

  2. Nora, I am so super duper impressed with this card - it is cool to the extreme!! I love the work that you did in lining up those sequins! I just think this card is way beyond awesome!! Love the banners behind and I especially love your exceptionally placed sequins!! You just totally blew me away with this amazingness!!!

  3. This is so cool! The die-cut sentiment looks fabulous and I love the sequins.

  4. What a pretty and colorful card Nora. Love the way you cut the word out of the panel.

  5. FABULOUS rainbow card! Love how you tied it all together, there are so many great details here. Perfect stamping on those sequins (I would have messed that up for sure) and I love the subtle die cut sentiment!

  6. Oooh, delicious, Nora ... a double rainbow ... once on the banners and once on the sequins! The stacked die cut thanks is fabulous in it's cloak of Glossy Accents! I can so relate to your no-time-to-craft-and-blog issue ... a pause button for life would be just perfect, I think! Anita :)

  7. Too Too cute! I love your way of saying thank you, so clever and so fun and about as colorful as you can get.

  8. What great techniques you used on this card Nora. I love the stacked die cut and how it blends with the panel. Such a cool, modern look!

  9. I so love how this all works together - a rainbow of colors - with colored strips and stamped sequins and real sequins. LOVE the look of the word die!

  10. This is amazing! It is the only card I remembered from all the links I saw. You did such a fabulous job.

  11. I'm just catching up, Nora, and I have to tell you, I'm blown away by this brilliant card! Wow, this is design genius and expert execution!! Hugs, Darnell


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