
Friday, October 24, 2014

Lawn Fawn "Monster Mash" Fun

Hello everyone!! Long time, no post. I have not been in the crafting mood as of late. Not sure why since I have new goodies to play with. However, my mojo has been on the fritz. Don't you hate when that happens?

I did create two projects with the Lawn Fawn "Monster Mash" sets stamp and die set. One project I totally LOVE, the other-not so much. However, I had fun making both so that is what counts.

My first project is a scrapbook layout that I created. This is my daughter five years ago on Halloween. I cannot believe how fast time has flown. She is thirteen this year and insists that she is not going out trick or treating so she isn't getting a costume.

I had a TON of fun creating this page. I started by misting the background with different mist sprays and layered a bunch of different patterned papers before placing the photo on top. I then embellished with stickers and the "Monster Mash" stamps that I colored in using Copic markers.

(Supply List)

My second project using the Lawn Fawn set was a Christmas tag. I REALLY want to use these on Christmas projects for some reason. I had this brilliant idea to color some of the monsters in green and then layer them over each other like a Christmas tree.

Aren't they cute? I LOVE how the coloring came out on each of these. I added some Stickles to jazz them up too. However, below is how the shaker tag actually came out.

Extremely disappointing! You can only see the big one eyed monster peeking out through the sequins. Oh well. Experiments are not always going to come out but at least I tried!

(Supply List)

Well, that is all for tonight. I thank you so much for stopping by to visit me. Have a great night!!


  1. What an awesome layout. Your tags are super cute as well.

  2. Such an awesome layout and I adore your tags!

  3. what an adorable page and tags! love the layering on the page and those little monsters are the perfect touch! wonderful work!


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