
Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Saturday CASE from Simon Says Stamp

Well this week went by fast and I have to admit, I am very happy about that. I hosted a baby shower for my friend at work and spent a TON of time getting ready for it. Can you say CLEAN? My house was a bit of a mess and I even went so far as to organize a few closets. It helped that I deep cleaned a few of the rooms over vacation but I still had a lot to do.

I also baked...a lot. I had a few mishaps with some recipes. I actually tried a cupcake recipe from Pinterest that sounded better then it tasted. In fact, the cupcakes were gross. The frosting to go with it wasn't so hot either. I even put less peppermint extract in that was called for and it was still too minty. It was a disappointment. Then, I burned a big batch of caramel that I was making to fill yet another set of cupcakes that actually came out delicious. It wasn't good. It was better then burning myself, though, which is why the darn thing burned in the first place! Lets just say that I did not make another batch.

To top the week off, I got pink eye. Yes, I work with kids but NO ONE has pink eye right now. How the heck did I get it? My eye hurt like the dickens by the time the shower ended yesterday. My husband picked up the medicine that was called in that my MD said to "only use if you have tried hot compresses for a couple days first." What? Nope. I used the medicine and my eye feels 50% better today. I am hoping for 100% by the time I go back to work on Monday.

The shower went off without a hitch and "I think" my friend had fun. That is all that matters in the end. My only regret? I didn't get a photo of the card I created for her!!! What was I thinking?

Anyway...I did get to make a card at the beginning of this week full of mishaps that made me very happy. It was a CASE of a Shari Carroll card from Simon Says Stamp. However, I did not have the EXACT same stamps or the colors that she used so I improvised.

On my card, I used Hero Arts "It's All Good" stamp set for the stamps and My Favorite Things "Celebratory Greetings" die-namics for the greeting. The card below is the card I CASEd.

Shari's card just made me so happy. The colors were bright and just shouted spring to me. I am kind of hankering for warmer weather right now so it was a fun card to copy.

Instead of mounting my card front on white, I chose to make it a bit smaller and mount it on a gray card base. I then used various color sequins to match the inks and sprinkled them around in random way.

I like how this card came out. I think that I would die cut the sentiment out of white paper next time like the inspiration card. I think the coral is a bit bright and does not match my stamp pad exactly. That kind of bugs me!!

I hope you are having a fabulous weekend and keeping warm. It is a bit nippy out there!! Thanks for stopping by!!

Daffodil Delight-Stampin Up!


  1. Thanks, Nora, for leaving such a nice comment on my blog. Had to pop over to yours, and boy!, I'm so glad I did! Wonderful cards. This one is soooo happy! Perfect for a birthday or for congratulations. Love the gray, it sets off the yellow and orange perfectly. Great card. Bev

  2. Nora - Wow, what a week/weekend you have had!! Sorry about the pink-eye and the cooking mishaps but I am glad that you "think" your friend liked her shower!! I am positive she did - how could anyone not love and appreciate something done for them by you!! You are so thoughtful and so giving, so big-hearted!! Love all of that about you!! And I really love this card, I think it turned out remarkably well!! I think the summers are like May/June feels as the temperatures are getting warmer and staying warmer!! Just an awesome job and how grateful I am to follow you and know you!! Take care - hope you are thoroughly cured by tomorrow morning!!!

  3. Wow, so sorry about the terrible week you had. Your card is fantastic, and very happy and bright. I think it is a good thing that you did not have the exact same stamps--that is what makes CASing so fun--you have a guide, but you still have to figure it out. Anyway, hope your eye is better soon, and love the card.

  4. Wow Nora, what a hectic week for you. Sorry about the pink-eye and the cooking mishaps but everything worked out great in the end.

    Super cute card design and colors.

    Best of the New Year.


  5. Gorgeous card!! Love the colors that you used!! I'm sure your friend appreciated all the hard work you put into hosting the baby shower for her!! Hope your eye feels better!!

  6. What a week you had!! I hope you are fully recovered from eye pain and traumatic baking experiences!! Great CASE! I saw Shari's card and almost bought the stamps so I could totally copy it, but you've shown me the potential of other sets. Yours is so celebratory - LOVE the colors!

  7. Hi Nora,
    I hope your eye is better by now and that awful week you had is a distant memory. I bet your friend was thrilled with her shower though. I love your card CASE and I think matting it onto the grey card was a great idea. It's such a good design and could be adapted for lots of occasions.

    Carol x

  8. What a sweet and wonderful card. I love all your festive speech bubbles and the vivid colors too. Just so much fun.


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