
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Memory Keeping

Hello friends. Today was a brisk but sunny New England day. I actually like these kind of days-they wake me up. If I get sleepy at work, I just walk through a hall where I need to go outside and I am instantly awake. Fresh, cold air will do that to you.

Today I thought I would share a few scrapbook pages with you. I rarely share them as Charlotte does not like me to upload them to my blog for some reason. She is at the self conscious age of 14 and thinks all photos of her are hideous.

I tend to scrap what I like and not chronologically. This is one reason I have never gotten into Project Life or done a December Daily album. Right now, Char is at an age where she dislikes having her photo taken so she rarely lets me take her picture. If she does, she is making a face or not looking at the camera. My life is not one that I would chronicle, either. It is rather boring and the day to day stuff is just not that interesting. Instead, I have been busy scrapping Charlotte's earlier photos because she was so much nicer to be around then. (Did I just write that?)

I have kind of developed "my style" over the years, which seems like it is everyone's style lately. I like paper layering and some embellishments but not a ton. I also like misting and have been adding more of my own writing to my pages. My mother died when I was 23 and I only have a few pieces of her writing. I cherish that. I figure that when I am gone, Charlotte might too.

Sometimes I use pre-made die cuts that are meant for a collection. Sometimes I choose to use my Big Shot and dies, as well as pre-made embellishments for a page. It all depends on what mood I am in. I mix supplies from companies and do not really have a favorite. I am a paper hoarder and have a supply that could last me YEARS.

I love the feel of paper and cutting it up into pieces or different shapes. I do not ever think I could get into digital scrapbooking, though I do love printable products. I feel like a kid again, playing with punches or adhering a sticker.

I am hoping that as Charlotte gets older, she appreciates the gift I have given her by documenting her life this way.

I appreciate you taking the time to stop by my blog today. I hope you enjoyed the small glimpse into my creative process.


  1. I think your layouts are great Nora and I'm sure Charlotte will appreciate it when she is out of the dreaded teen phase. Like you I have enough patterned papers to wallpaper the whole house with but as I no longer scrapbook much, they tend to sit unused. I made albums for all three of my children and make an odd gift album for friends when they have special occasions but I tend to prefer card making now. Loved your CASE of Shari's card by the way.
    Carol x

  2. Gorgeous beyond belief!!! That is what these layouts are!! That and a great show of love for Charlotte!! You really are amazing with paper and glue and you do INDEED have a creative touch!!!

  3. Love your layouts, so so pretty. You showcased your photos just beautifully.


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