
Monday, February 2, 2015

Casual Friday CASE Valentine

It is another snow day Monday in Connecticut so we have the day off. It is a good thing as I am feeling a little under the weather AGAIN. Not sure if it is how busy I have been lately OR if I have some sort of virus but if I did not know better, I would think I had mono again. I am SO TIRED!!
That said, I am making myself stay awake today is I AM NOT going to call in sick for work any time soon.

I did have time last week to play in my craft room. My mojo has been absent so I have been CASEing some cards that I have on my Valentine Pinterest board. My sister had said she was making Valentines and kind of "guilted" me in to making some too. I really was not going "to do" Valentine's Day this year. I was just not feeling the love. However, they say "fake it til' you make it" and that is what happened. Now I am excited to send my cards out!!

I used these cards from the "Touch of Creation" blog as my inspiration for my Valentines. (If you have never browsed this blog, please do. Piali Biswas cards are AMAZING!!) I have had this Casual Friday stamp set for a year and had never used it. I figured when I saw her cards that I needed to dig it out and give this stamp set some love.

I mixed the card up a bit form Piali's by making it a landscape card rather then vertical.

I copied most of the elements from her cards-the colors she used, the misting, but added my own elements as well. I chose to use a red glittered heart note instead of her gold and added a few gold heart die cuts as well.

I did get a little carried away with the misting too but I think it adds character.

For my second card, I mixed it up a little bit. Instead of white background, I used distress inks to shade a red background.

I then spritzed it with Shimmers mist, as well as red and gold. I also reversed the colors of the heart note and die cut hearts

It gives it a bit of a different look.

That is all for this stormy Monday. I appreciate you taking the time to browse my blog.

"Song in my Heart"

"Red Valentine"


  1. Well these cards definitely hit all the right notes. (har har, I couldn't resist) Seriously though, I love all the hues you've used with the red, golds and blacks. I'm glad you faked it - because you definitely made it!

  2. Nora - so sorry to hear you are feeling poorly!! But your cards are absolute STUNNERS!!! Love the red and the gold and what a fun stamp set - I really need to expand my horizons so I will check them out!! So cool and smooth - love these valentines!! Feel better SOON!!!

  3. wow, my goodness, Nora, you really make these stamps SING!! Love both takes on the same stamp set! I adore the gold on the first one and the striking colors on the 2nd! Well done!

  4. Also, I hope that you feel better soon! HUGS! And you are so right, Piali is amazing!

  5. Love these! Love the angle of the music and the splatter!

  6. OH MY!!! What an amazing pair of so sweet and just beautiful. Love all the wonderful details and the splatters are just the perfect touch.

  7. Both fun - I really like the first card with all the extra touches to keep the eye engaged. The misting, the glitter, the gold, the slant of the focal image. It's alive!


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