
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Online Class Homework for Clean and Simple 4

It is Tuesday in blog land and I am FINALLY getting around to attempting to do some homework for the Clean and Simple 4 card making class that I am taking. I have to admit, I am earning an F in the homework department. As I said in my post yesterday, my mojo is so low that I have had a hard time motivating myself to do anything. However, I forced myself to sit down and attempt a card to complete my homework for Day 1 of the class.

Day 1 was all about different techniques of heat embossing. I chose to attempt to use Julie's "Faux Ceramic Tile" technique, which as you can see below, was an epic fail.

I tried to make this in a tile shape but I wound up messing everything up. First, it die cut all the way through no matter what I did. Then I figured I would just do the technique anyway, I messed up the embossing on FOUR different tiles. As I am attempting to do two cards every time I sit down, I had done the element in a circle as well and this was my last hope of even making a card for this homework. I was NOT going to attempt a 5th tile!!

As you can see from the photo, the circle also die cut through but I faked it. I chose to mount the circle "tile" (yes, I know it really is NOT a tile) onto a pinked circle to make it pop a little. I figured this element would be perfect for a Valentine and the rest of the card was just a matter of layering.

What I learned for Day 1:
  • I am a failure at just "embossing" with my dies. I need to practice a bit more when I have more time but I am determined to figure it out. 
  • I also attempted Jennifer's technique in using multiple embossing powders on a background but I kept smudging the stamped design. I think it was because I was pushing the tape down too hard. Again, when I have more time, I will be playing with this technique.
  • Though I usually work well under pressure, I have been super busy trying to fit in so many things I HAVE to do in my day that I just having nothing left for my homework. I am glad I am not taking this class for a grade!!
I thank you for taking the time to browse. Have a great day!!



  1. Although you struggled... I think your card is really beautiful Nora!

  2. I think this is very well made and beautiful design. I know the feeling when there's no time at all and when you make time for crafting, nothing really works out. Beautiful outcome allthough not what you had in mind in the first place. It will certainly make somebody happy!

  3. Nora - first of all, please let me assure you that whether you think your card is an Epic Fail or not - I think it is lovely, the design elements it has are awesome and so eye pleasing!!! Love how you admitted what went wrong AND then committed to work on it some more- sometimes we just need a little more practice!!! I think you are an amazing stamper - hope things get better for you!!! Thinking of you - you make me smile!!!

  4. Well whether or not the technique worked, I love the card. Great textures and I love that heart element!

  5. There's no such thing as "fail" as far as this sweet valentine is concerned. I know that as soon as life settles down a bit, you'll keep practicing until you get this technique absolutely down pat. It's really a sweet card. And I'm not the only one who thinks so!! Deep breath. Relax. Enjoy life! Bev


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