
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Freshly Made Sketches #222, PaperTrey Ink Inspiration Card Challenge and some snow!!

Happy Saturday everyone!! It has not been a fun twenty four hours here at my house. It started off well and good with a snow day yesterday. I got up early and did tons of laundry and spent some time in my craft room. At about 2:30 p.m., the power went off....and did not come back on until 12:30 p.m. today. It was quite a chilly night last night!! We do have a portable generator but the fumes made me sick because it was a bit too near the house, so we did not have it on all night.

Then while I was brushing my teeth this morning, I knocked the electric tooth brush charger into the toilet. Don't ask me how this happened but it did. Not sure how I will be charging my tooth brush but thinking I will be brushing old school. My dentist won't be happy as that electric toothbrush has given me some good check ups. It makes my teeth shine!!

Anyway, BEFORE all this happened, I was able to make a card using Freshly Made Sketches #222 and the PaperTrey Ink Inspiration Color Challenge. PaperTrey is having their 9th Anniversary celebration and having some fabulous challenges. Be sure to check it out!! Here is my card:

I chose Kay Miller's card and tried to "channel" her as she is a FABULOUS designer. It did not come out exactly as I pictured it but I like it.

Here is the sketch and the color card that inspired this card:

I started the card off by using Orange Zest and Summer Sunrise ink as watercolor. Kay often uses water coloring on her cards and tends to use the most fabulous colors. I was inspired by her stunning backgrounds so I decided to give it a try.

I then die cut the panel when the ink was dry and mounted it onto a Raspberry Fizz patterned paper card base.

I then added an Orange Zest border that I die cut using PTI's "Journal Card Border Dies" and a frame in Summer Sunrise that I die cut using the PTI frame die.

I then stamped and die cut flowers using PaperTrey's "One Big Happy" limited edition stamp and die collection using Raspberry Fizz, Orange Zest, Sweet Blush and Simply Chartreuse dye ink. I also die cut the "happy" sentiment out of black paper to add over the frame.

I adhered the flowers and the pink sentiment strip using foam adhesive. I then added the three clear sequins using matte adhesive.

My last step was to use clear Wink of Stella over the orange and yellow flower centers.

I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by today. Have a great night!!

PaperTrey Ink "One Big Happy" Limited Edition Stamp and Die Collection


  1. Oh no! Sorry to hear about the power outage and your charger accident! Maybe you shouldn't brush your teeth quite as vigorously! ;)
    You picked my favorite color combo from all the recipes and your card looks very pretty and cheerful!
    Hope the next 24 hrs will be better!

  2. Love, love the watercolor gorgeous!!

  3. How Pretty! super love all the colors!

  4. Oh you did a gorgeous job on this Nora!! I love your watercolored background and I'm honored that you chose my colors and card to CASE! Thanks so much for mentioning me and your kind comments! :)

  5. Wow, did you ever channel Kay perfectly, Nora, and I thank you for the phototute! This card is magnificent! I'm so glad you finished it before the comedy of events happened. The not-so-funny comedy of events!! I hope you are having a better day today ... maybe Amazon sells just the charger? And automatic toilet-seat lid closures?! Hugs, Darnell

  6. Wow Nora stunning design, love the fabulous stitched framing, splash of orange background colors and cheerful flowers.

    Hugs Diane

  7. Oh no! What a rough day! I hope today is going better. Your card sure turned out awesome, and I just love Kay's cards too. You did a great take on her card...beautiful!Stay warm!

  8. Well for having such a rough day, you made a beautiful and happy card! Love the bright watercolored background. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches this week!

  9. I know exactly how that feels, Nora ... not one bit fun! Your card, however, is something to celebrate! Gorgeous!
    Amazon does sell just the charger ... just be sure to get the proper one. Now how do I know this? I left my charger somewhere between here and Seattle last summer!

  10. Wow, this is stunning! I'd say you've got Kay's style down perfectly. Hope this week brings you some sunshine and joy after your trying time.

  11. Great use of the inspiration and the sketch!

  12. Well this card says the opposite of a no power, snowy day. What a happy and lovely color palette! Glad you joined us this week at FMS!

  13. A beautiful fun card Nora and great use of the chosen colour palette!

  14. What fabulous framed florals, Nora ... bright, vibrant and so lovely! You captured Kay's style brilliantly with this beauty! Sorry to hear you had such a tough day ... hope the week's been better for you! Hugs, Anita :)

  15. Oh this is so beautiful,Nora! Sorry it's so and power went out, and uggg about the toothbrush. Hope your weekend goes much better and I hope you will be cozy warm.


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