
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Some Cards from the January ScrapJazz Card Kit Club

Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a great day. We had an early dismissal due to snow and I could not have been happier. My new semester schedule is taking a little while to get used to so short days are acceptable right now.

Today I am sharing some cards I created using the kit Claudia sent us.

She sent us so much stuff that I could have made about 20 cards!! However, I only managed to find time to create five.

I used the flower as a mask to make the background and then layered the rose over the die cut bases that I inked with Distress ink in a couple colors.

Used a stamp from PTI to create the sentiment on this card. I die cut some of the paper Claudia sent and used the fun fiber to give the card a bit of oomph. I also used Stickles and some Glossy Accents on the present.

I used Distress Ink and Glossy Accents to jazz up the rose on this card. CASEd a design for this card from Pinterest.

I used the other side of the patterned paper from the card above. This time instead of the present, I added the die cut flowers, the scroll and a bit of ribbon from Claudia's kit.

This was the first card I created. I used a pre-made polka dot card for the base. I layered the orange paper strips, the border and the chipboard over it to make this easy card.

I like using supplies that others give us. Sometimes it is hard to figure how how to use them but eventually I get an idea.

I thank you for stopping by today. Have a fabulous night!!


  1. These are all delightful Nora! Love the cute little polka dot gift and the sweet daisy!

  2. What a lovely array, Nora! I took my time and enjoyed the design aspects you applied to each one - so much amazing inspiration and fun elements! I hope your new schedule runs smoother before too long!

    I also want to thank you for your comment last week about your own surgery. (I'm doing a wee bit better every day.) I was going to email you, but for some unknown crazy reason, you and I have never emailed before and when I went to reply via email, I discovered you are a "no-reply blogger." When I click your name in the comment to answer, the email address pops up to "no reply blogger." You may prefer it that way; I just wanted to explain why I'm thanking you here. I appreciated your encouraging note very much! (If you have your email address listed somewhere here on your blog and I missed it, I apologize and blame it on the drugs!) Hugs and thanks again, Darnell

  3. Nora, your cards are beautiful!

  4. That's an amazing kit, Nora. All those goodies...!! And the (only!!!) five cards you made are beautiful and fun, too. Those roses are simple and lovely. The kraft present is amazing in that fun yellow and red. And ohhhhh...that pink rose on the gray tag is sooo pretty!! But daisies and then polka dots?! Be still my heart. Love every single one of them!! Bev

  5. So fun! You do a kit group, too! These are fantastic. I especially love the second card with the present paired with that awesome yellow paper. PS You should definitely comment to win Jeanne's kit on the 12 Kits Blog. She's giving away a third kit on her personal blog, too. ;)


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