
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

CAS-ual Fridays February Stamp Sneak Peek Day 1

Happy Hump Day!! I hope everyone is having a FABULOUS Wednesday.

What better way to celebrate the middle of the week with a sneak peek to the new release from CAS-ual Fridays Stamps! Today I am sharing two projects I created with two new stamp sets-"Special Delivery" and "Heartfelt Sayings."

On my first card, I used the mailbox in "Special Delivery" as the main focus for my card. This mail box can be die cut with the previous released "Mailbox Fri-dies."

To start off my card I stamped the mailbox, the envelope and the the mailbox front again from the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Special Delivery" set onto white card stock and colored the images in with Copic markers. I then added glitter glue and crystal drops in various colors over the middle of each flower on the mail box.

While these elements were was drying, I die cut two rectangles, one out of white card stock and one out of patterned paper. Over the card stock I lightly blended green and blue dye ink to create the illusion of grass and sky. I then stamped a sentiment from "Special Delivery" in black ink. I adhered both rectangles to a pink A2 top folding card. I tucked a pink circle under the inked panel.

It was time to die cut the mail box out that I had stamped and the little black flag. The mail box was a little too tall for my rectangle so I cut a bit off the bottom. I also used a craft knife to cut a slit in the left side of the mailbox front and slipped the stamped letter that I had fussy cut.

I adhered the black flag to the mailbox and added a rhinestone to give it a more shine. The last step was to pop up the lid of the mail box that I had created using foam adhesive. 

Here is a sneak peek of the whole set. Don't you just love the little hearts in the sentiments?

I had so much fun coloring and will be making another project with this mailbox soon.

For my second project, I combined the "Special Delivery" and the new "Heartfelt Sayings" stamp set. The sentiments in the "Heartfelt Sayings" stamp set have little hearts in them too!

I began the card by stamping the envelope from the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Special Delivery" set repeatedly onto a piece of white card stock with black dye ink. To make the envelopes look as if they were overlapping, I did a bit of masking. Next I stamped some little hearts randomly around the front.

I stamped the sentiment using the "Heartfelt Sayings" set and used my Copic markers to color everything in. I went over the hearts with a clear sparkle pen and then added some Glossy Accents over the top to give all the hearts a little more oomph.

Once the card front dried, I used a double cut frame to die cut it. I adhered the outside of the frame to a white A2 sized, top folding card.

I then used foam adhesive to the middle panel and placed it into the frame. I love the dimension it gives the card.

I have to say that this is my FAVORITE card that I created for this whole release and will be doing some others with the "Heartfelt Sayings" sentiment set.

The stamps will be in the CAS-ual Fridays Stamp store starting on Saturday, February 4, 2017. Please use my code nora2017 to get a 15% discount on your total order.

I thank you for stopping by today. Check back in tomorrow for the debut of two more new stamp sets.
Have a wonderful day!!

Stamps-CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Special Delivery"
Dies-CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Mailbox Fri-die"
Ink-Memento "Tuxedo Black," Hero Arts "Soft Pool" and "Green Hills" dye ink
Paper-PTI "Sweet Blush", Recollections "White," Neenah Solar White, Echo Park (checked), Black Bazzil and Basic Grey (circle)
Stickles- "Cotton Candy," "Glam Pink," and "Diamond"
Nuvo-"Rosewater," "Gloss Bubblegum," "Blush" and "Gloss White"
Other-Big Shot Machine, Spectrum Noir "Clear" Sparkle Marker, Glossy Accents, Rhinestone and Scrapbook Adhesives Foam, Ranger Ink Blender tool

     Stamps-CAS-ual Fridays Stamps "Heartfelt Sayings" and "Special
     Dies-SSS "Stitched Rectangles"
     Paper-Neenah Solar White
     Other-Big Shot Machine, Copic Markers, Spectrum Noir "Clear" Sparkle
     Marker, Glossy Accents, Memento "Tuxedo Black" dye ink


  1. Nora, love your colorful mailbox! So fun to see how others use the same stamp. And I agree on your last card ... those envies are so hard to resist! Love how you have them on the main card base too. Great dimension!

  2. These are so awesome! I love the bling on your top mailbox, and the layout design on your second card is fabulous!

  3. These envies are darling! Such cute cards, Nora!


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