
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

CAS(E) This Sketch #224

Happy Tuesday everyone!! Just a quick post today for a challenge. I created a card using "CAS(E) this Sketch #224."

I think this is the most fun I have had with a card in a long time. I actually created it before yesterdays card but had to add some extras before I took a photo of it.

As with yesterdays card, I used Spellbinders "Emoji" dies, patterned paper from my endless drawers of scraps and Simon Says Stamps! "Summer Greetings" dies.

Here is the sketch that I used as my inspiration. I pretty much took it literally.

I used a retired Prima stencil and blended some Tide Pool ink for the background.

I used clear Wink of Stella with Glossy Accents to give the hearts and the sunglasses a bit of shine.

The sequins were the last touch for this card. 

I cannot tell you how HAPPY this card makes me. It is a bit out of the box for some people but I LOVE it. 

I am also going to enter this into Simon Says Stamps Wednesday Challenge "Anything Goes."

Before I go I want to post a photo of some little birds that we have nesting in one of our shrubs. Chris went to cut it down and saw the nest so stopped.

I have been taking peeks over this week at them-something the mother and father are NOT too happy about!! We also have another nest on our porch awning. I cannot see into it but those babies are LOUD!!!

Thank you for taking the time to stop by today. I hope you have a FABULOUS day!!!

I was a challenge favorite for CAS(E) This Sketch #224 for this card. I am so excited!!



  1. Thanks for sharing the photo of those sweet baby birds. It's a good thing to see reminders of nature. Our fledgling robins are all over the place here and they're fun to watch! Your card is darn sweet! Love those little emojis and the glasses/googly eyes you've given them. Great subtle background, too. And what fun colors! Way to use up those scraps, girl!! Headed off to do that myself now. : ) Bev

  2. Oh what a fun card!! Love the google eyes!! And just how sweet are those baby birds.

  3. Oh my, I adore this one with the heart and the googly eyes! The subtle background looks great!

  4. This is just too darn your sweet smiley faces, a great way to use that wonderful sketch. Love your photo of wee birdies, just precious!

  5. Oh, I can't help but smile at your card, Nora! A fun take on the sketch for sure! And thanks for sharing the pic of those baby birds--so precious!


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