
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Using Scraps on Baby Cards for Some Card Challenges

Happy Tuesday!! I am just popping in at the last minute to post some baby cards I created. I was inspired by this weeks badge from the Inspired By #166 challenge for the colors of my cards and the theme.

My first card is a top folding card. I used Lawn Fawn "Little Bundle" stamps and matching dies for the little baby clothes.

The Inspired By photo below is my inspiration:

I die cut my patchwork squares from paper scraps using the MFT Pierced Squares (retired). I knew I had to use the color scheme from the photo because it used ORANGE!!!

My die cut sentiment is from PTI-Wonderful Words Baby.

I am going to enter this into the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge: Two or More Pattern Papers as well.

My second card is similar to my first. However, I loosely based it on the Inspired By Sketch

Here is the Inspired By sketch:

As you can see, my patchwork is not laid out like the sketch and I did not use a circle under my sentiment. Instead I made an imaginary circle sentiment block by surrounding the die cut with the little baby items. Can you see it?

I have not made baby cards in AGES and these were SO FUN to create. It was a fabulous way to use up some of my paper scraps too!!!

In other news, I am STILL moving my craft room. I cannot tell you how much stuff I still have and how much I have gotten rid of!!! I do need to get my new room in order, though, which means cleaning off shelves from my old room to haul the furniture upstairs to put all the organized crap that I have in containers all over my floor!

Part of my cleaning this weekend was getting a huge amount of scrapbook pages in actual albums. It has made miss scrapbooking and I might have to take it up again. 

Well, I want to get this posted. I thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a GREAT night!


  1. I like the sweet mix of patterns you've used to create your quilts! These are adorable, Nora. Thanks for joining us at IB!

  2. Oh my! I love both cards so much and clearly see your interpretation of the sketch too! Your patchwork is so fun and these are perfect paper hugs for a little one’s arrival! Thank you for inspiring us this week @IB!

  3. What sweet, elegantly pretty cards, Nora.

    I'm a huge fan of scraps. They often get treated like the unwanted guests of the paper crafting world, but I think they're fantastic and reach for my scrap container often. Indeed, I'll frequently try to use up some of the pieces in there before cutting into pristine products.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life


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