Showing posts with label Anniversary Card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary Card. Show all posts

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Day 3 of the CAS=ual Fridays March 2021 Release

 Happy Thursday!! I cannot believe the week is almost over but I am glad that it is!!

Today I am on the blog with Day 3 of the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps March 2021 release. I created a card using the new Love Notes stamp set and Heart Notes die bundle. 

I started off this card by stamping a white, A2, top folding card with the music from the Love Notes stamp set. I then used foam adhesive to adhere a piece of pattered cardstock over the top.

Next I die cut three music notes from cardstock using the Heart Notes bundle. I tried to use paper that matched the stripes from the background. I adhered these music notes so that they were overlapping each other. 

I stamped the sentiment from the Love Notes set in green and then fussy cut it out. I adhered the sentiment to the card front using foam adhesive. My last step was to randomly adhere some jewels around the notes and I was done. 

This new stamp and die set, as well as all the other products, are available in the CAS-ual Fridays Stamp Store under the NEW section right now!!! Use my code NORASENTME to get 15% off your total order!!!

Be sure to comment to be entered into a random drawing of all the commenters on the designers blogs to win a prize. Hop on over to the CAS-Fridays Blog to link up to the fabulous creations created by the Design Team!!

That is all from me today. Be sure to pop back in tomorrow with the last sneak peek project from the new release!!! Have a FABULOUS day!!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

A CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Post

Happy Saturday everyone!! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Today I am on the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog with the card below.

Hop on over to the blog to see how I created this!!!

Thanks for popping in!! Have a GREAT day!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

CAS-ual Fridays Stamps October Release-Ever After

Hello everyone!! I hope you are all having a good week. Today I am getting my flu shot after work. Not looking forward to it but because my husband is on a biologic for a chronic condition, it is something I have to do. I am a huge advocate for vaccination but not a fan of needles!!

On a happier note, I am posting another project showcasing a stamp set from the new CAS-ual Fridays Stamps October 2019 Release.

I used the sentiment from the new Ever After stamp set for this card.

I wanted to keep the card very simple because of my background so I chose to be very minimalist with the sentiment and the embellishment on this card.

I started off my project by using the Modern Petals Stencil and Cosmic Shimmer Luna Paste on an A2 sized cardstock rectangle. When the panel was dry, I die cut it with a rectangle die and adhered it to the card front, as shown.

Next I used the Casual Trees Fri-dies to die cut a sprig and heat embossed using silver embossing powder. I then adhered the sprig to my card front.

Using the new Ever After stamp set, I stamped the sentiment onto a white cardstock strip using Versamark ink and heat embossed it with silver embossing powder. I adhered it to the card front using foam adhesive.

My last step was to adhere some pearl embellishments randomly around the sentiment and die cut. I have to admit, this is one of my favorite cards that I created for the new release. It was really hard to photograph but it is so pretty in real life.

This stamp set, as well as the complete release is available NOW in the NEW section of the CAS-ual Fridays Stamp Store. Use my code NORASENTME to get 15% off your total order.

Be sure to hop on over to the CAS-ual Fridays Stamps Blog to see some more projects from the Design Team using this stamp set.

I thank you for taking the time to stop by today. I will be back again tomorrow with another fun project for this release.

Have a FABULOUS day!! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Birthday and an Anniversary!

Happy Monday!! I wanted to start the week off right by posting a few things I made last week. I tend to take photos of my projects and then it sits on my camera. However, I pulled them off the camera yesterday to post my Paper Trey Ink's projects so I figured I would post them today.

The first card I created was an anniversary card for a teacher at work. I actually made two cards for him to choose from but only photographed this card. He and his wife were married on Valentine's Day so I wasn't sure if he would like the colors I used on this card or would want to veer away from the traditional red and pink. I should have trusted my gut because he chose this one!! This card was another CASE from someone else's card that I saw on the web. I do not have a link to the original and I apologize.

I used my Silhouette digital cutter to cut out all the hearts and then layered them over each other. I really like how this came out and will be making a similar design for Valentine's Day if I have a chance!! I will also post the inside of the card, though that is very simple.

I did not stamp directly on the inside of this card because I figured if the teacher didn't like it I would just pull the label off and put a Valentine sentiment inside. I am always thinking!!

The next project I created at 4:30 a.m.  Friday morning when I couldn't sleep. Work has had me stressed out as of late and I often wake up really early. I was actually awake at 3:00 a.m. but wouldn't let myself get up until 4:30 a.m. Imagine what I would have gotten done if I had?

I LOVE the colors on this card!! The patterned paper is a scrap of Sassafras Lass paper I had in my scrap drawer. I then used a Paper Trey Ink Mat Stack #3 to stamp and die cut to make the label. Out of all the Mat Stack's, this is my favorite. I keep hoping they will make some additions to the collection because I would buy it!! I then die cut and stamped an image from PTI's Cupcake Collection and layered it over a die cut piece of green cardstock. The bow was tied before I put the label on. I think this is my new favorite card and I just hated to give it away!!

To go with the card, I die cut a bag using my Silhouette digital cutter. I didn't have patterned paper the exact green color that I used above but the one I used was close enough.

I used PTI's Tag Its #10 set to make the little tag in the same colors as the card. I then further tied the two pieces together (and not literally!) with the same ribbon I used on the card.

Charlotte said the little girl loved the bag. It was big enough to fit a gift card and two nail polishes too!!

Thank you for looking. I hope this inspires you to create something yourself this week!!