Monday, March 25, 2024

There is Still Time to Play at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #590

Hey Friends!!!

There is still time to play at the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #590. It is a theme challenge this round-TROPICAL.

For my card, I used some dies from Paper Trey Ink-the Go-to-Gift Card Holder: Beach Bag. I had fun digging through my stash of scrap pieces to die cut of each of my elements on this card. 

Below is the challenge badge for the CIC590

I layered all these die cuts over a piece of paper that I used Vintage Photo Distress Ink and various colors of Distress Stain on top of to look like dark sand. 

The sentiment is from a Paper Trey Ink sentiment set-Keep It Simple: Retirement. 

The leaves are Wild Greenery from My Favorite Things Stamps.

Want to join us this round for the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #590? Hop on over to the BLOG to see the details. 

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!



lichazul said...

Beautiful card, congrats 😊💐 happy day

Kim S said...

Thank you for the inspiration. I don't recall ever having to make a retirement card - but I need to do one this very weekend. I love your collage of fun beach vacation things - I'm going to have to dig through my stash and see if I can do the same!