Showing posts with label The Greetery Just Peachy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Greetery Just Peachy. Show all posts

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Just a Quick Pop In With Cards for Some Challenges

 It is Sunday night here and I am exhausted. I stayed up all night last night because I got into such a GREAT book. 

I am a romance junky-I got that from my mother. I read other things but when things get too stressful-and they have been with the tropical storm last week and the terrible plans that the state DOES NOT have for our school systems to go back (which we are), I have been totally stressed out. Anyway, I made these cards yesterday but didn't have the energy to post them until tonight.

My first card was inspired by two challenges-CASE this Sketch #384 and The Color Throwdown #605.

I kind of "flipped" the sketch in that I used my butterflies as the main image, rather than a branch. I used the little flower images as the accents.


The butterfly stamp is my new favorite stamp, I think. It is Hero Arts Monarch Butterfly. I used Lawn Fawn's Peachy Keen, MFT's Cherry and Blueberry Ink for this card. 
The sentiment is from Altenew's Label Love stamp set. 
When I was finished with my stamping, I die cut the panel using The Greetery's Crimped Frame Dies and layered it on a dark blue card base.
I finished off the card with some sequins and Diamond Stickles in the middle.

For my second card, I used the Fusion Card Challenge as my inspiration for my card.
I chose to use the sketch but flipped it and using fruit on my card was the inspiration, just not the fruit from the photo.
I used The Greetery's Just Peachy stencils, dies and stamps for this card. I think this card may be a bit too busy for me BUT unfortunately I used some strong liquid glue that I cannot rip this apart without damaging the background. That stenciled background took me a long time to complete!!
I used a TON of different inks on this-too many to even name. The little strips of pattern paper and cardstock are just scraps from my stash.
I have to admit that this was a TON OF FUN to play with. I cannot wait to use this on some other cards but will not be using the stamps and the background's together again like this.

Well, that is all from me tonight. I thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a great night!!

***Disclaimer: Some (not all) links in this post are affiliate links that are used at no extra cost to you.