Showing posts with label Stamps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stamps. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2024

Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #593-Pink, Orange, and Poppy

Hello Friends!!!

Today I am popping in with a card for the NEW round of the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge!!! Challenge #593 is a COLOR challenge. Create a project using the colors PINK, ORANGE and POPPY.

Below is the Challenge Badge for CIC593.


For my card, I used the Friendship Leafy Cluster stamps, dies and stencils from Simon Says Stamp!

This card was SO EASY to put together!!! I love using stencils to color this type of stamped image in.

Want to join us this round? To see more details about the Cupcake Inspirations Challenge #593, head on over to the BLOG. I cannot wait to see what you create!!!

That is all from me. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Shaker and Stencil Release from Kat Scrappiness

 ***This post contains affiliate links that are used at no extra cost to you

Hello Friends!! 

I am so excited today for a NEW April 2022 Release from the Kat Scrappiness Shop! They released new Shaker Dimension Sets and STENCILS!!!

I created two new projects for this release, a shaker card and a congratulations card with the new stencils.

For my first card, I used the new Butterfly Shaker Dimension set and the new Floating Dots stencil for this card. 

I started off by creating my pattern paper background using the new Kat Scrappiness Floating Dots Stencil, the new Kat Scrappiness Stencil Brush and a stamp from the Kat Scrappiness Friendship Greetings Stamp set. I die cut it using the largest die from the Kat Scrappiness Embossed Edge Rectangles Dies and adhered it to a white A2, card front.

I used the Kat Scrappiness Stitched Postage Stamp Edged Rectangles to die cut a white postage stamp element and adhered it over my pattern paper.

Then it was time for the shaker!!! I used various colors of Distress Oxide Ink and Clear Embossing powder over the front of my butterfly. I filled my shaker with Kat Scrappiness Trix Mix II and White Diamond Sequins

I used the Kat Scrappiness Boxed Sentiment Strips to die cut a sentiment from the Friendship Greetings stamp set and adhered it over the butterfly with foam adhesive. To finish off my card, I glued sequins from the Trix Mix II randomly around the shaker. I LOVE how this card came out and cannot wait to send it to someone!!

My second card is one that is special to me because it is for my daughter. When I saw the new Falling Star Stencil, I knew exactly what I wanted to use it for-a graduation card!

I started off this card by using some blending red dye ink across a white, slimline card base. I then used the same red ink and the Kat Scrappiness Falling Stars Stencil to stencil stars over the entire card front.

Next I spritzed water and some mica spray over the entire card front. I then added the glitter letters that were die cut from gold and platinum glitter paper using the Kat Scrappiness Upper Case Condensed Alphabet.

I made sure to NOT adhere these letters in a straight line so that I didn't have to fight for it to be perfect!!!

My last step was to randomly adhere some pearls from the Kat Scrappiness Gray Opal Pearl Mix randomly across my card front. I cannot WAIT to give this to my daughter for her graduation!!! 

Want to see some more fabulous projects with other new Shaker Dimension Kits? Hop on over to the Kat Scrappiness Blog!!!

What is a release without a hop? At 12 noon EST, we 
have an Instagram Hop to showcase the release. Comment on all the DT posts to be put in a random prize drawing!!

That is all from me today. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

On the Blog at CAS-Fridays Stamps

Happy Saturday everyone!! 

I am on the CAS-Fridays Blog this week with a simple card I created using one of my favorite color schemes-aqua and red.

Hop on over to the BLOG POST to see how I created this card!!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a FABULOUS weekend!!

Monday, December 13, 2021

Time for a NEW Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #534-Snow People

 Happy Monday everyone!! 

I don't know about you but at this time of year, I feel like I am on a never ending treadmill. So many things to do but not enough time to complete everything you want to do! 

That said, this card for the new Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #534 was done at the last minute and I LOVE how it came out!!! 

This week the challenge is a theme challenge-Snow People.


I used a mixture of old and new products on this card. The snowman is *Jack Frost from Elizabeth Craft Designs. He is one of my new winter products that I bought this year.

I combined him with some snowflakes from my stash and the new Sophie Snowflake from SSS. 

I stamped the Typed Christmas sentiment from Hello Bluebird with Berrylicious ink from Pinkfresh Studio. 

The background paper is from my scrap stash. It was originally a 12 by 12 Christmas paper and it worked perfectly for this card!!!

I hope that you like my card and have time to join us this week at Cupcake Inspirations. I cannot wait to see what you create!!!

I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. Have a FABULOUS day!!

Some links are *affiliate links that are used at no extra cost to you. Please see my affiliate link policy here.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Just Us Girls Challenge Guest Design Post Week 5-#608 Wild Card Week

Some Affiliate Links are used in this post. Please see my Affiliate Policy. 

Happy Saturday everyone!! Today I am here with my last post as Guest Designer for Just Us Girls Challenge Blog. This week is a Wild Card week. The theme is leaves.

Here is the challenge badge that inspired this card.

I started off this card by using the Kat Scrappiness Quokka Thanksgiving Costume Stamps to stamp leaves randomly around the front of a white, A2 card front. I then colored i the leaves with Copic markers.

I used two Boxed Sentiment Strip Dies to die cut two white strips out of paper. I used Copic markers to color them in. I then adhered them to the left hand side of the card.

I then die cut the thanks out of white and the black shadow using the Kat Scrappiness Thanks Sentiment with Shadow. I adhered the shadow to the card and colored the bottom of the thanks with Copic markers. I used clear Sparkle pen over the sentiment and covered it with Glossy Accents

I finished off my card by adhering Jasper Stone pearls on the front of my card. 

I want to thank the Design Team of Just Us Girls Challenge for inviting me to be the guest designer for this month. . I have had so much fun!

I appreciate everyone for stopping by. I hope you all have a FABULOUS day!!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Paper Craft Crew Challenge #300 and Color Throwdown #503

Happy Friday!! Is everyone gearing up for the weekend? We are going to some soccer games with family on Sunday. My husband has not been feeling to well this week and keeping me up coughing so I hope I will be able to stay awake!!! (I can sleep anywhere!!)

Today I am posting two cards that I created using scraps and the mess on my desk. Both are thank you cards and I used the sketch from the Paper Craft Crew as a jumping off point.

For my first card, I used die cuts from MFT and Paper Smooches for the flowers and the leaves.

I clustered them together and added some Nuvo Crystal drops in "Caribbean Ocean" to give the card a bit of dimension. I left this kind of flat because I will be sending this out to someone.

Here is the Paper Craft Crew Card Sketch #300 that was my inspiration:

Isn't it fabulous? I could make about 20 cards with the flower die cuts I have!!

For my second card, I was inspired by the sketch and the colors from the Color Throwdown Blog #503.

I did add some black into the mix, though so not sure if it will be accepted.

I actually like this card better then the first. I used a score board to emboss the front to give it a bit more oomph.

I also like the black and white paper on the edge. This I pulled from my ever growing scrap drawer.

I did add another banner in patterned paper on both cards that the sketch doesn't have. I just thought it looked a bit better with my design.

That is all from me today. Thank you for looking!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Few Layouts

Hello everyone!! I haven't been blogging, though I have had the time. I lost my card mojo. I get so mad at myself when this happens. I attempted to do some challenges but I wound up throwing them all away. (Yes, I do throw things away if I cannot save it. It kills me sometimes because of the time it takes to create!) I even have some fun new-to-me products sitting on my desk too, but nothing was shouting out at me to use.

I also have not been crafting because I sprained my ankle exercising the other day and have had to keep my right foot elevated for the past three days. I now have to wear a boot for the next two weeks. It is very fashionable...NOT!

Today I am going to post three layouts that I worked on in between my failed attempts at card making. Sometimes I have to go between crafts for me to get my creativity back. Does that happen to you?

All products from all pages were purchased from, with the exception of the frames on the dog page. These were purchased at Designer Digitals. has been my go-to place for scrapbook supplies for some time. When I buy, I tend to buy a lot. Shh Shhh-don't tell my husband!

My first page is a birthday page. I layered patterned paper by Bo bunny over a fun Crate Paper base. My process for this was to find the photos first, trim them and then arrange the patterned paper pieces freely over the base paper. I don't do this enough and I should because it was fun.


I have other photos from this birthday that I plan to put in pocket page protectors. I will journal about what went on at the party at a later date. (dinner, bingo, cupcakes and make your own sundaes) I just did not feel like getting into it on this page.

I think one of my favorite parts of this layout is the transparency over the left photo. I even ordered some different kinds last week because I had a blast playing with them again. I might even try to use one on a future card.

The second layout features my dog, Zack, whom I call Stinky. Why? Well, he is constantly getting into stuff and is a "little stinker," hence the nickname. His many escapades are a source of amusement for the kids I work with.

This page is about how Charlotte won a pet photo contest at her orthodontist office. We took Stinky outside and had a little photo shoot on our deck so we would have the "perfect photo." To get the "kiss" photo, we put peanut butter on Charlotte's nose!! I then let Char choose which photo she wanted to enter into the contest.


This page is really simple. I layered paper, some die cuts and used another transparency over the photo that won. Don't you love his underbite?

I saved my favorite page for last. These photos are not the best and so I cropped them into circles. They were of when Charlotte and our neighbor had a lemonade stand. Char and the boy did this frequently and made a lot of money. One time they made $20 each!! The two of them were so cute, shouting at the top of their lungs to people walking or driving by.


I started off by misting the paper. I did not love where the mist was going so I misted a craft sheet and used a paint brush to place dots where I wanted them on the background card stock. I have seen this technique used on cards so I figured I would try it on a layout.

I then had a blast die cutting circles out of different pieces of patterned paper. Circles are my favorite shape! I used no rhyme or reason when I laid them together with the photos. I just adhered them down right away as I placed them. I am really pleased with how it all came together.

Well, that is all for today. I hope you all have a great night!!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Simon Says Stamp Challenge

This weekend I was FINALLY able to play and one of the things I did was to create a card for the Simon Says Stamp Challenge for this week.

Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog

This weeks challenge is Travel/Cityscapes. Come look at some of the cool cards the designers created here. Here is what I came up with:

This was a huge challenge for me because I have very few travel stamps and almost nothing for cityscapes. The whole inspiration for my card was from a piece of patterned paper from the "Here and There Collection" by Studio Calico. I built my card from there. 

I die cut a tag from green paper and then ran it through my Big Shot Machine again to cut the house out. I combed through my stamps and found a teeny, tiny tag stamp I had from Maya Road. I stamped it over and over again and then punched holes in it using a tiny whole punch. I stamped the "merci" sentiment with stamps from Avery Elle. The finishing touch was to use Stickles Diamond Glitter Glue in the stars and in all the windows of the houses that were inside the die cut. You can see this better in the view below.

The last step was to add the sequins. I am really happy with how it came out since the subject was a stretch for me. Thank you for looking!!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Painting Our Room and Being a Horrible Aunt

I love summer. It isn't the weather, because I prefer color over heat, but the free time I have to do things that I don't have time to do in the summer. One of the big projects we tried to get done this summer was to paint our bedroom. It was the first room we redecorated when we moved into our house 14 years ago but we haven't redone it because we knew getting the crackle paint of the trim was going to be a nightmare. Yes, you read it right. I was in my faux finishing stage when we first bought the house and crackle painted my bedroom trim under protestation from Chris. He gave in and 14 years later, he was cursing me for it. Partly because I only partially stripped one window, which took 4 1/2 hours to do!!

My bum shoulder kicked in so Chris wound up having to strip it all. In frustration, he started ripping trim off rather then stripping it. I don't blame him either. Par for the course, we still are not done with the room but I thought I would post my hard work that I did one afternoon.  (I actually like this look but knew that it would never fly with Chris so I didn't mention it!!) Learn from my mistake-if you ever want a piece of furniture to be painted a different color, don't crackle paint it because it is not fun to strip!!

As for the bad Aunt part...I made this card 2 weeks ago for my nephew's birthday, and I still haven't sent it out. I have even had the present since the beginning of August! For some reason, I have trouble sending Birthday cards out on time. I make them on time, waiting to be filled out and then I never send them. Now I have a stack of extra cards.

Supplies: Paper-Diecuts with a View, Basic Grey and Creative Imaginations, Stamps-Paper Trey Ink, Embossing Folder-Cuttlebug, Punches- ALL byEK Success, Inks-Stampin Up!, Dies-Paper Trey Ink and Glitter Glue-Stickles.

This card is exactly like the card I created in Stamp-Affaire-Challenge #2 Post. I just changed the colors to make it more masculine. I tend to design cards and then create them over and over using different products once I find a design I like.

So that is my post for today. I hope you have a great Monday!!
