The first thing I did to prepare for this assignment was to take out everything I was going to need for the challenge. I had so much out that everything was strewn across my work space. I should have taken a photo of it but the mess stressed me out so bad that I just couldn't.
To start with, I decided to use lemon tart card stock as my background piece and went from there. I had pulled out various yellow scraps of patterned paper last night, which were still on my desk, and I knew that I wanted one paper in particular on this card. I then just went for it, not second guessing anything and HURRIED!!!
I was actually feeling sick to my stomach at the end because I didn't think I was going to make it. To be truthful, I went a little over the time. Shshsh!! It actually took me 10 minutes, 10 seconds!! That was because I had to die cut the word balloon twice due to a stamping error. It always happens when I am in a rush so I should have cut out two to begin with!!
So this is what I learned from today's class:
- If I do this challenge again, I will do it very differently. Instead of die cutting things from scratch, I would pull out my huge box of "extras" that I have die cut in the past and start from there.
- Before I start a project like this, I will CLEAN OFF MY DESK!! I think this was part of the problem. I had too much there-mostly from my late night last night and I need a clean work space.
- For challenges like this, clean and simple is the way to go.
Well, that is all for today unless I get inspired again. Thank you all for stopping by. Have a great Thursday!!